En la noche del Miércoles 10 de Febrero atacamos la casa de Carlos Rossel, torturador en la dictadura del el 73-85, con dos cocteles molotov.
Este es un mensaje para los de antes, los de ahora y los que vendrán.
No los dejaremos dormir tranquilos…
Luego de 6 meses de difusion de este libro solo en formato impreso, lo dejamos a disposición de todxs en formato digital, como gesto y llamado de solidaridad insurrecta ante el inicio del juicio por el intento de escape de lxs compañerxs de Conspiración de Celulas del Fuego, el cual tiene fecha de inicio para el día 15 de febrero. En este nuevo juicio también se encuentran procesadxs Athena Tsakalou, madre de los compañeros Christos y Gerasimos Tskalos; Evi Statitiri, compañera amorosa de Gerasimos; y Christos Polidoros, hermanos del compañero Giorgos Polidoros.
Continue reading Versión digital de libro “Nuestro Día Llegará” ante el juicio por el intento de fuga de CCF.
I Encontrón con los Bastardos.
Hace algunos días (sábado 6), junto con 7 compañeros tuvimos un encontrón con funcionarios de gendarmería. Más allá de hablar sobre el acontecimiento del cual ya se hablado bastante, por varios medios de difusión y también por palabras de algunos de los que estuvimos ahí, quiero aclarar, por mi lado, que entiendo estas situaciones como algo que en algún momento iba a pasar, por ende no creo que sea la última.
Continue reading [Prisiones chilenas] Comunicado del compañero Joaquín García desde la C.A.S
Letter from Thomas Meyer-Falk, a comrade who has been imprisoned in Germany since 1996 for bank robbery to fund political struggles.
In 1933 the Nazis passed the Law against Dangerous Habitual Criminals, allowing the courts to indefinitely imprison “habitual criminals” if they consider the person to be dangerous to society: so since 1933 the state can keep people in prison after their regular sentence has finished. In the 50s, the High Court of GDR (East Germany) declared that the law had to be overruled, because it was a “Nazi concept”, but such doubts never existed in West Germany; the Federal Constitutional Court has always accepted PD (Preventative Detention).
Continue reading Indefinite detention in Germany: letter from Thomas Meyer-Falk
Black December has now come to an end, but that doesn’t mean that hostilities against Power have ceased.
Continue reading Athens: Responsibility claim for explosion at tax office (en/es/gr/de)
Article by the Midwest Unrest group about band Death in June, who use fascist symbolism, and their relation to Nazism, racism and the far right.
Continue reading Death in June: a Nazi band? – Midwest Unrest
One more time, the French government – in collusion with the UK – has announced plans to evict the homes and shelters of many undocumented people living in Calais. People have until 20:00 on Tuesday 23rd February to leave the Southern half of the Jungle. According to the government, those resident in the eviction zone should move, disappear, be put behind walls, be locked up or deported. The only reason for this, their lack of regularized status. Eviction notices were served on Friday. Many inhabitants of the Jungle, supported by associations, served a complaint against the eviction and destruction of the camp. This appeal will be heard in court in Lille on Tuesday, 23rd February at 2pm. The judge presiding over the case will visit the Jungle on Tuesday morning. These are the facts so far.
Continue reading Call-out for international support against Calais evictions and against the borders // Appel à soutien international contre les expulsions à Calais et contre les frontières
On Monday 15th February, a group of comrades attacked the central building of OASA (Athens Public Transport), at Metsovou st. in Exarchia. We focused our action at the fine collection office, by destroying the mechanical equipment and stealing the block of infringement notices, while we didn’t miss the chance to trash the office of the OASA’s manager, who validates the raise of ticket fares with his signature.
Continue reading Greece: Attack at the Headquarters of Athens Public Transport (OASA)