[21 Febrero 2016] Jornada artistica apoyo a presxs


El domingo 21 de Febrero a par­tir de las 16:30 haz un viaje inter­ac­tivo por las entrañas de la esta­cion de metro del CSO KIKE MUR. Habra per­fo­mances, danza, musica en directo, pryec­ciones, actua­ciones y muchas sor­pre­sas mas.

Con­sigue tu bil­lete para el viaje apun­tan­dote a: dozeldoze@gmail.com. Recuerda que el pre­cio del bil­lete son 5 euros en apoyo a l@s pres@as.


  • CSOA Kike Mur


Berlin 23/24 February: mobilisation against the European Police Congress

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Against the World of Borders and Control…

On 23/24 February, the European police congress will again be held in the Berlin Congress Center. Enterprises from the armament and surveillance industry will meet on this occasion with international politicians, security agencies and military staff to develop common strategies for the defence of the ruling conditions; for the defence of a world that is falling apart.
Continue reading Berlin 23/24 February: mobilisation against the European Police Congress

Rep. Ceca – Comunicato sui fatti di Praga in solidarietà con lo spazio Klinika (it/en)


Mentre  i governi europei giustificano la loro presenza e offensiva militare al di là dei confini con una sempre crescente minaccia islamica, i controlli polizieschi nelle città s’intensificano; i confini tra gli stati si fanno frontiere invalicabili ; realtà apertamente xenofobe si moltiplicano come funghi velenosi.
Continue reading Rep. Ceca – Comunicato sui fatti di Praga in solidarietà con lo spazio Klinika (it/en)

Exarchia, Athens: Update regarding the first month of operation of Themistokleous 58 Squat


During the previous month, Themistokleous 58 Squat participated in a series of actions/demonstrations:

On January 16th 2016, we took to the streets for the first time with a distinct bloc of nearly 30 individuals at the rear of the demonstration in memory of Shahzad Luqman in the Athens neighbourhood of Petralona. Slogans in various languages were shouted and spray-painted, and an ATM was vandalised along the way. After the demo finished, the sign above the local office’s entrance of the ruling SYRIZA party in Ano Petralona was taken down.
Continue reading Exarchia, Athens: Update regarding the first month of operation of Themistokleous 58 Squat

Atene, contadini assaltano il ministero dell’agricoltura contro riforma delle pensioni



Prima della grande manifestazione degli agricoltori contro la riforma delle pensioni in Grecia, riforma imposta dal governo tedesco che prevede costi sociali altissimi per i greci, un gruppo di contadini provenienti da Creta ha attaccato il ministero dell’agricoltura di Atene.
Continue reading Atene, contadini assaltano il ministero dell’agricoltura contro riforma delle pensioni