Chile: Coordinated incendiary attacks against telecommunications infrastructure (Santiago, 25/08/2015)


I. “This instant that won’t be forgotten

So empty when thrown back by the shadows

So empty when rejected by clocks

This wretched moment taken by my tenderness

Stripped naked, naked of the blood of the wings

Robbed of eyes to remember the angst of yesteryear

Of lips to scoop up the juice of the violence

Lost in the tolling of frozen belfries.”

In the current context of recent state reforms that have resulted in increased sentences for the possession and use of incendiary devices and/or explosives, coupled with the many cases of imprisonments related to insurrectionist violence (bombings, burning of buses and incendiary actions by encapuchados outside universities), one might be made to think that there is no longer any space for offensive actions against Dominion and it’s normality, the perfect excuse for those who have always found justifications for postponing their own revolt against the existent.

However, the long history of revolts, rebellions and conspiracies shows us that the systems of domination have always been and always will be vulnerable, and that it is always possible to find space for revolt and direct attack against the structures, symbols, institutions and representatives of oppression.

But something else is also true, and this is that the vulnerability of Dominion only becomes evident when our acts of disobedience and our desires for freedom slip through the fissures in the dominant social order; striking it, wounding it, becoming uncontrollable and dangerous to their plans of domination.

That is why we are still here and why we will remain here, continuing to defy authority by spreading with our actions the idea that the insurgent rebellious will depends on acts of revolt that do not stop.

II. “But for us everything changed when we decided to live like warriors instead of slaves. We honour our grief and frustration, our loneliness and insecurity, by neither suppressing or surrendering to them: we take these broken pieces of self in our hands to craft victim into fighter, and stand proud as antagonists in this world. To attack what attacks us.” – FAI-IRF comrades in the UK

The relationships of authority, power and submission have expressed themselves throughout history and in the present via a multiplicity of practices, models and systems of domination.

Throughout the exploitation and dominion over nature and over human beings and other animals, each model of domination (patriarchy, caste system, industrial/financial/technological/capitalism etc) materializes by means of authoritarian relations between individuals sustained via interaction with a wide range of buildings, objects, goods, infrastructure and representatives such as politicians, businessmen, police officers, military men, journalists, scientists, lawyers and other servants of the powerful as well as drug traffickers, Johns, clergyman and so on who are able to do what they please in order to maintain their privileges largely due to the absence of insurgent activity combined with the apathy, fear and/or complacency of the civil and exploited masses.

Therefore every action that aims directly at the representatives of dominion and/or at it’s industrial and technological infrastructure, although it may not in itself tear down the whole of dominion, still interrupts and obstructs the flow of information, goods and social relationships that enable the everyday continuance of the imposed order.

It is the multiplication and proliferation of these types of actions that makes them a direct threat, something that only be achieved by breaking the lethargy and taking to the streets armed with our desire for freedom and a determination to leave concrete wounds in the network of domination.

III) “…only when we decide to put our lives totally at stake, when individually or with our comrades in affinity, we strike power right where we can do more harm, only then do we have total control of our lives and are able to say with joy and serenity that we are making our revolution. By realizing a perspective of direct attack we are freeing ourselves from the obstruction of defensive struggles and opening infinite possibilities of action and freedom.” – Nicola Gai, a member of Olga Cell, FAI-IRF

How can we sit and watch the days go on and on without acting, without going on the offensive, without taking an active role in the struggle against domination?

For us this intolerable which is why opted for the risk of anarchy rather than living our lives removed from struggle waiting for future insurrectionist moments.

Because it is our actions in the present that are the only things that we have to demonstrate who we are and what we want.

Because it is in the polymorphic offensive action and the attack on the expressions of dominion where our present existence acquires real meaning.

On this occasion, united as groups with similar affinities, we coordinated our forces with a common objective.

Without annulling the particularities or the autonomy of each group, we freely agreed to act in a coordinated manner on the morning of Tuesday, August 25 by installing three incendiary devices with chemical delay mechanisms.

One of them was successfully installed in the underground wiring of the fiber optic network of Entel, the main telecommunications company in Chile. This attack was carried out in the center of the city of Santiago on Avenida Alameda.

The other two incendiary devices were installed within the structure of a cellular phone tower in the community of La Reina, at the intersection of Mariano Sanchez Fontecilla and Troncos Viejos. One of the devices was placed in the electrical feeder of the tower and the other was installed in its cables. Both devices were activated successfully at approximately 2AM, resulting in serious damage to the target.

We claim these coordinated actions as a minimum expression of experimental forms of attack that seek to hinder by means of sabotage the normal functioning and technological progress of the current system of domination. By building on the connections between our groups rather than the differences we are creating the possibilities of actions in the present, through trial and error, always cautious with our steps.

We know that we are not the first and that this has been a path forged with fire and gunpowder by other groups in this territory. There has already been more than 15 years of attacks by autonomous and anti-authoritarian groups in post-dictatorship Chile.

We send greetings to all the comrades locked up inside the prisons of Chile and around the world, to all the groups of anarchistic action and to all cells of the Informal Anarchist Federation / International Revolutionary Front.




Anarchist arson attack cell “Fire and Consciousness,” Informal Anarchist Federation-International Revolutionary Front, Chile.

Grupo Kapibara

Informal Anarchist Federation-International Revolutionary Front, Chile.


Source: Insurrection news