Category Archives: other languages

Debat Infraestructures i Repressió. Aquest dissabte a La Base


Aquest dissabte 30 d’Abril a les 17h ens trobarem a La Base per compartir, reflexionar i debatre col·lectivament sobre experiències entorn la repressió i les infraestructures llibertàries. Així com imaginar practiques i dinàmiques de solidaritat que contribueixin a seguir trencant amb l’aïllament de cada projecte i cas repressiu.
Continue reading Debat Infraestructures i Repressió. Aquest dissabte a La Base



Today the main Prague court decided about Igors innocence in the case of the house of minister of defence but the court sentenced him for complimentary on complicity for criminal damage (video recording another person doing graffiti) with expulsion for two years. Igor appealed right away. More info about entire court hearing coming soon.

Dnes soud rozhodl o Igorově nevinně v případě útoku na dům ministra obrany, ale i tak ho soud shledal vinným v napomáhání při trestném činu poškozování cizí věci (natáčení dalšího člověka, jak sprejuje na zeď) a potrestal ho vyhoštěním na 2 roky. Igor se na místě odvolal. O celém procesu vás budeme informovat brzy.

anti fénix


Bucharest, Romania: Solidarity banner with anarchist prisoners accused in the CCF case in Greece


(”Solidarity with the 22 anarchists from Greece who are tried for the Conspiracy of the Cells of Fire case for their struggle against state and capitalism”)

On April 23rd, the day for international solidarity with the anarchist prisoners who are tried for the Conspiracy of the Cells of Fire case, a group of comrades hanged a banner in Cișmigiu Park, Bucharest.

in Greek

The Netherlands: Person arrested on suspicion of spreading Anarchist Wallpaper


AmuurkrantLast Sunday night (April 24th) one person was arrested in The Hague (Netherlands) on suspicion of pasting the Anarchist Wallpaper. He is being charged with instigation against authority, inciting violence and pasting of a poster. On Thursday the person who got arrested will be brought in front of the examining judge, who will decide whether to release him or transfer him to preventive detention.
Continue reading The Netherlands: Person arrested on suspicion of spreading Anarchist Wallpaper

Prezentacija: Anarchism in Chile


VOLVER A LA TIERRA anarchistų chebrytė iš Čilės keliauja po Europą su prezentacija: Anarchism in Chile: diversity and conflicts

“overview of past and present of anarchism in Chile, its diversity and conflict, linked with feminist movements and indigenous struggles historically and nowadays”

Prezentacija nemokama, bus renkamos aukos chebrytei iš Čilės , kad nusigautu iki Minsko.

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