A Renzo Novatore


Novant’anni fa, il 29 novembre 1922, in un conflitto a fuoco con i Regi Carabinieri veniva ucciso a Teglia (Ge) l’anarchico individualista Abele Ricieri Ferrari, più noto come Renzo Novatore. Giovane iconoclasta al tempo delle proteste contro la persecuzione di Francisco Ferrer, antimilitarista condannato a morte per diserzione durante la prima guerra mondiale, ladro e rapinatore, assalitore di polveriere durante il «biennio rosso», attentatore di fascisti e dinamitardo delle loro sedi, Novatore non si rassegnò mai ad «un mondo in cui l’azione non è sorella del sogno». Autore di moltissimi testi, la sua opera ha sempre fatto storcere il naso sia ai militanti della prassi politica che ai cultori del cicisbeo letterario. Gli uni, inorriditi di fronte a chi non credeva nella suprema elevazione delle folle e perciò negava la realizzazione dell’anarchia intesa come forma sociale di umana convivenza; gli altri, indignati per le ridondanti incursioni in ambito poetico e filosofico da parte di un semplice autodidatta figlio di contadini.
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A los libertarios [Guy Debord]



Estamos asistiendo al rearme espectacular del Estado, nuestro gran enemigo, cosa que hacen todas las clases dirigentes del mundo cuando quieren dar a la descomposición de sus fundamentos una apariencia de solidez. Sus excesos han paseado la verdad por todos los rincones del país: hoy en día no hay nadie tan ingenuo o tan desvergonzado que se atreva a negar que nos encontramos bajo un despotismo tan duro, envilecedor y difícil de soportar como el que hubo en tiempos de Franco, y a medida que pasa el tiempo, será peor. Nosotros estamos ahora dispersos, cuando no desmoralizados. Hemos entablado una batalla que no supimos librar como debimos.
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A Letter from Michele Pontolillo,anarchist prisoner in struggle


I announce that at 12 o’clock on December 7 2000, I will start an indefinite hunger strike. Given the situation of growing repression in which we live inside as well as outside prison, and departing from the inalienable right of every individual to revolt against the omnipotence and arrogance of those in Power, I announce that at 12 o’clock on December 7, 2000 I will start an indefinitive hunger strike for the reasons I would like to expose here.
Starting some years ago we have been able to observe a considerable aggravation of the repressive activities of the imperialist European States designed to criminalize and diminish the activism of the social and political movement, including the anarchist movement which is well rooted in those countries where the proletarian and revolutionary struggles continued, as in Spain, Italy or Greece.
Wherever we look, the view is desolate. The restructuring of capitalism incited by the massive use of communication technologies led to new contradictions which are much more difficult for the governments to handle through a policy of consent. The States, and by extension society as a whole, have but to adapt themselves to the new demands of capitalism which are ever more exclusive.
Continue reading A Letter from Michele Pontolillo,anarchist prisoner in struggle

Who Is It?





Diavolo in corpo


When one speaks of totalitarianism, thought runs immediately to a form of implacable domination that has historically been embodied in the figure of a single dictator. Hitler the Fuhrer, Mussolini the Duce, Franco the Caudillo, Stalin the Little Father, Ceausescu the Leader, Mao the Great Helmsman, Pinochet the generalissimo: all are examples of dictators from a not too distant past that is nevertheless considered difficult to repeat. In the course of the past few years we have been experiencing the end of the era of individual dictatorship as this form of power receives nearly unanimous condemnation. And if in a few parts of the world, regimes still survive that are led by strongmen, the tendency to replace them with modern democracies is taking hold without much dispute. The Fuhrer, the Duce and their like have had to give up their place to somewhat disembodied, cold systems of domination, without surprise, from which the human element is almost completely banished.
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Whither now?


Some thoughts on creating anarchy

By Feral Faun

“Any society that you build will have its limits. And outside the limits of any society the unruly and heroic tramps will wander with their wild and virgin thoughts…planning ever new and dreadful outbursts of rebellion.”
–Renzo Novatore

I feel that there is no possible society in which I would fit, that whatever society was like, I would be a rebel. At times, this fills me with the joy of the “unruly and heroic tramps” of whom Renzo Navatore speaks, but often it leaves me feeling quite lonely and isolated.
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TOKATA Boletin



Aquí se pueden descargar los últimos Tokatas para imprimirlos y envíarlos dentro o difundirlos de cualquier manera.

En pdf: noviembre 2008; marzo 2009; noviembre 2009; febrero 2010; junio 2010; octubre 2010; marzo 2011; agosto 2011; noviembre 2011; febrero 2012

En word: noviembre 2008; marzo 2009; noviembre 2009; febrero 2010; junio 2010; octubre 2010; marzo2011; agosto 2011; noviembre 2011; febrero 2012



Una Reflexión desde la Prisión


Morales Fhurimann

En todas las cárceles de Chile se cuenta a los prisioner@s 2 veces al día, la primera en la mañana, inmediatamente después del desencierro y la otra aproximadamente a las 16:30, hora del encierro. Allí los pres@s han de formarse en una fila y en presencia de los gendarmes, auto contarse del primero al último. Es una ocasión donde se busca el aleccionamiento ejemplicador, inscribiéndose de manera más intensa que en otras el control sobre los cuerpos y la sanción normalizadora. Ya he pasado la “cuenta” más de 60 veces (en mi anterior encarcelamiento lo hice unas 11.500 veces). Aún no atisbo cuando será la ultima vez que lo haré.
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