Tag Archives: CCF

Greece: ‘Forever Guilty’ -Text by Panagiotis Argirou on the trial for the 250 attacks of the CCF / FAI-IRF



The trials of anarchist prisoners who chose to give a violent form to their ideas and values, who chose to associate with fire, explosives and bullets their hatred towards Power, is another instance of a war between the Anarchist Revolt and the world of Sovereignty. That’s why, reaching the end of such a trial, the third one in a row I have to face due to my action as a member of the anarchist group of direct action Conspiracy of Cells of Fire, I feel the need for my words to meet again with every anarchist comrade outside the walls.
Continue reading Greece: ‘Forever Guilty’ -Text by Panagiotis Argirou on the trial for the 250 attacks of the CCF / FAI-IRF



[Traducido por Sin Banderas Ni Fronteras]

El plan.

Para el “espacio” anarquista.

1. El llamado

Cada llamada a la acción, como el ” Diciembre Negro “, es un intento por coordinar nuestras fuerzas. Es un esfuerzo para interrumpir el flujo normal de la realidad. Es un plan para invadirla con nuestras propias características y subvertirla. Es un sondeo de nuestro deseo por la anarquía, aquí y ahora, y de nuestra capacidad para hacer frente a las fuerzas del orden. Es una ocasión para que lxs individuxs, se conozcan o no, se reúnan en el terreno de la acción y traten de atacar a los palacios del estado, organizada y abruptamente. Es una señal internacional de complicidad para todxs lxs compañerxs dentro y fuera de los muros que fortalece nuestra solidaridad. Es un acuerdo anarquista que confirma que hay gente en todos los rincones de la tierra que, sin hablar el mismo idioma, coordinan el pulso de su corazón, alinean su mirada hacia el enemigo, aprietan sus puños, usan una capucha y realizan ataques contra el motor social de la autoridad, sus estructuras y sus relaciones. El llamado del “Diciembre Negro” tuvo esos momentos…


Korydallos: Prisoners’ Initiative demand an explanation from the Minister of Justice (Greece)


Today, Saturday Feb 6th, at 6:30 in the morning, counter-terrorism units intruded the D section of Korydallos prison, in order to remove our fellow prisoner Fabio Dusco, who was brought here the day before from Trikala Prison in order to be present at his trial which commences on the 15th of February. Fabio faces charges as a member of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire for an attempt to escape from prison.
Continue reading Korydallos: Prisoners’ Initiative demand an explanation from the Minister of Justice (Greece)

Greece: The “plea” of anarcho-nihilist Spyros Mandylas for Phoenix Project


Note from Insurrection News: Phoenix Project was initiated in Athens, Greece on the 7th of June 2013 when a car owned by the director of Korydallos prison, Maria Stefi, was blown up by the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire FAI-IRF and the Gangs of Conscience FAI-IRF, ‘Sole-Baleno’ cell who then released a communique announcing the project. It’s stated aim was “the rebirth and the dynamic comeback of the urban guerrilla,” a project that would create the terms of the rise of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire from the ashes left behind by police oppression. Phoenix Project then spread with attacks occurring again in Greece and further afield in Indonesia, Russia, Mexico, United Kingdom, Italy, Chile and Germany. Phoenix Project is still ongoing, with the most recent action occurring on 10.01.16. in Chile with <a
Continue reading Greece: The “plea” of anarcho-nihilist Spyros Mandylas for Phoenix Project

31/1 17:00 τηλ.επικοινωνία με τον αναρχικό σύντροφο Χρήστο Τσάκαλο


Την Κυριακή 31/1 στις 17:00 θα πραγματοποιηθεί στις Ραδιοζώνες Ανατρεπτικής Έκφρασης τηλεφωνική επικοινωνία με τον αναρχικό έγκλειστο σύντροφο Χρήστο Τσάκαλο, μέλος της Συνωμοσίας Πυρήνων της Φωτιάς, με ενημέρωση για το δικαστήριο για το σχέδιο απόδρασης που ξεκινάει στις 15/2, και συζήτηση για την οργάνωση του αναρχικού αγώνα, την άτυπη αναρχική ομοσπονδία, την ενδοκινηματική βία , τον απόηχο του Μαύρου Δεκέμβρη.

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Korydallos Prison, Greece: Update on new repressions against CCF & Nikos Romanos


Yesterday on the 20th of January another sudden search was once again conducted inside the cells housing imprisoned members of the anarchist organization Conspiracy of Cells of Fire (CCF) as well as anarchist prisoner Nikos Romanos at Section A of Korydallos Prison.
Continue reading Korydallos Prison, Greece: Update on new repressions against CCF & Nikos Romanos

Athens: CCF escape case trial set for February 15th 2016


February 15th: Trial date for the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire escape plan – Prosecution against relatives of political prisoners

The trial concerning the plan of Conspiracy of Cells of Fire comrades to escape from Koridallos prisons has been set for February 15th. A total of 28 people are accused in this trial. Conspiracy of Cells of Fire comrades have taken responsibility for the escape plan from the outset, defending their choice as a means to continue anarchist struggle.
Continue reading Athens: CCF escape case trial set for February 15th 2016