Esta mañana, el tribunal inquisidor de la corte de apelacion de San Miguel, ha fallado a favor del fiskal Orellana revocando la medida cautelar de arresto domiciliario total a prision preventiva para el compañero Enrique Guzmán.Todo gracias a lxs amiguitxs magistradxs que tiene el fiskal. A estas horas el compañero se encuentra en su domicilio en espera ya que la corte ordenó a policias y PDI ir en busca de él para devolverlo a prisión.
¡Difundir con urgencia!
Chile: Nataly, Juan, Guillermo stopped their hunger strike on June 5th; Enrique being sent back to prison on June 10th
On June 5th 2015, the comrades Nataly Casanova, Juan Flores and Guillermo Durán ended their hunger strike, which they had conducted from April 13th/14th, judging that the most important of their demands have been met.
You may read their latest letter, in Spanish, here.
Today, however, it became known that their comrade and close friend Enrique Guzmán is being sent back to prison.
During the morning of June 10th, the competent court of San Miguel ruled in favor of prosecutor Orellana, who revoked the total house arrest for Enrique and demanded he be once again sent to pretrial detention. When we received the news, the comrade was still at his home waiting for the court to order the cops and the Investigations Police (PDI) to go looking for him in order to return him to prison.
Disseminate urgently!