Tag Archives: Igor Secvov

Igor byl propuštěn z vazby // Igor was released from remand


Igor byl dnes 25.9. v dopoledních hodinách propuštěn z vazby na kauci!
Vítej zpátky!

Stále však čelí obvinění a čeká na soud. Naše podpora nekončí!

Igor was released from custody jail on September 25th morning on bail!
Welcome back!

He is still awaiting trail. Our support continues!



A Letter From IGOR – Reckless endangerment and other police blunder.


At first thank you all for your support. I have to say that thanks to you, it’s not so bad here!

Like many other people I was brought in for questioning by well known police officer Kavka. On June 18th, I went out to get some lunch. Besides campus I was stopped by Mr. Kavka where he informed me about questioning and asked me not to run. Through psychological coercion and lies he managed to get into my dorm room where he confiscated my personal computer, camera, tablet and than I was escorted to Letná police station where I was interrogated, threatened, lied to, intimidated for following six hours. After this my fingerprints and traces of odour were taken and I was finally released about half past eight in the evening.

Continue reading A Letter From IGOR – Reckless endangerment and other police blunder.