17/01/2012 –
Work penetrates and determines our whole existence. Time flows merciless at her rhythm as we commute through identical depressive surroundings at an ever increasing pace. Working time…productive time…free time…Every single one of our activities falls within her context: acquiring knowledge is considered an investment for a future career, joy is transformed into entertainment and delves into an orgy of consumption, our creativity is crushed within the narrow limits of productivity, our relationships -even our erotic encounters- speak the language of performance and usability… Our perversion has reached such a point that we search for any form of work, even voluntary, in order to fill our existential void, in order to “do something”.
Continue reading Athens-Thessaloikni, Greece – DOES WORK LIBERATE? Solidarity poster for anarchist Rami Sirianos and comrade Kleomenis Savanidis (2012) →

Work penetrates and determines our whole existence. Time flows merciless at her rhythm as we commute through identical depressive surroundings at an ever increasing pace. Working time…productive time…free time…Every single one of our activities falls within her context: acquiring knowledge is considered an investment for a future career, joy is transformed into entertainment and delves into an orgy of consumption, our creativity is crushed within the narrow limits of productivity, our relationships -even our erotic encounters- speak the language of performance and usability… Our perversion has reached such a point that we search for any form of work, even voluntary, in order to fill our existential void, in order to “do something”.
Continue reading Athens-Thessaloikni, Greece – DOES WORK LIBERATE? Solidarity poster for anarchist Rami Sirianos and comrade Kleomenis Savanidis (2012) →

Athens-Thessaloikni, Greece – DOES WORK LIBERATE? Solidarity poster for anarchist Rami Sirianos and comrade Kleomenis Savanidis
received by sysiphus
Continue reading Does Work Liberate ? (en/it/fr) 2012 →

Solidarity poster for anarchist Rami Sirianos and comrade Kleomenis Savanidis
Continue reading Does Work Liberate ? (en/it/fr) →
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