Tag Archives: Kurd Struggle

Bristol: Anti-⁠State Communities in Kurdistan infonight


Caught between the expansionist ISIS and escalating oppression by the Turkish state is one of the largest and most interesting revolutionary struggles of our times. Rojava, comprising three regions of northern Syria, is home to 2 million people while across the border in Eastern Turkey an increasing number of villages and neighbourhoods are declaring themselves autonomous and committed to self defence. Within these areas is a social experiment that incorporates feminism, ecology, has survived four years of military assaults. For much of this time they have been the only successful opposition to ISIS.
Continue reading Bristol: Anti-⁠State Communities in Kurdistan infonight

TATORT Kurdistan Hamburg und Rote Hilfe Hamurg laden ein: TATORT Kurdistan Café Mittwoch, 09.12.2015 18:30 h (ab 18:00h Essen) Centro Sociale, Sternstr. 2, LINK: http://129b.blogsport.eu/2015/11/30/veranstaltung-09-12-15-knast-für Aktivist*innen


Die Hamburger §129b – Verfahren und Erzählungen aus dem türkischen Knast der 80er Jahre
Wir laden ein zum TATORT Kurdistan Café, in dem wir über die Situation der unter §129b “Mitgliedschaft in einer terroristischen Vereinigung im Ausland” in deutschen Knästen inhaftierten Gefangenen sprechen wollen.
Continue reading TATORT Kurdistan Hamburg und Rote Hilfe Hamurg laden ein: TATORT Kurdistan Café Mittwoch, 09.12.2015 18:30 h (ab 18:00h Essen) Centro Sociale, Sternstr. 2, LINK: http://129b.blogsport.eu/2015/11/30/veranstaltung-09-12-15-knast-für Aktivist*innen

Drone shot down in Sur


Drone shot down in Sur


AMED – While the resistance is continuing against the blockade in fifth day, a police drone shot down while it was trying to get the image of the neighborhoods. The treatment of the 25 people who have been injured in the attack are not allowed to exit from town is done by local people.

The curfew was declared 5 days ago in Sur district of Diyarbakır. The attacts are still continuing. Until late at last night, the sound of explosions and attacks came from the district. In the morning Between 3:00 a.m. to 5:00 the situation has calmed down a bit. Then again intensifying attacks were started and the people started to resist against the attacts. The attacks are focused around Hasırlı neighborhood and especially Kurşunlu Mosque. During the attacts with grenade throwers, a fire broke out in one house at Hasırlı neighborhood. The fire was extinguished by citizens.

So far 3 citizens have been killed and 25 citizens have been wounded during the curfew ongoin fifth day.




3 killed, many wounded as attacks by police continue in Sur3 killed, many wounded as attacks by police continue in Sur


police terror_5Attacks by Turkish state forces continue in Amed’s central Sur district.

A bomb fired by police has hit a house near Kurşunlu Mosque Friday afternoon, as a result of which 13 people have been injured. Among these, two kids aged 5 and 7 are reported to have got heavily wounded by shrapnel pieces that him them in the head.

HDP Amed deputy Ziya Pir said they have been informed that 3 people have lost their lives in the attacks.


Source: Firat News Agency

Another youth murdered in Sur


Attacks by state forces continue in Sur district of Amed.

As the 5th curfew in the district continues in its second day, police forces kept their attacks going throughout the night which mainly intensified around Kurşunlu Mosque and Yoğurt Pazarı areas.

Today, yet another youth by the name of Mehmet has lost his life as a result of an armed attack near Four Footed Minaret where Bar President Tahir Elçi was killed in a shady armed attack on 28 November.

The youth’s body reportedly remains near the minaret which has been a scene of extraordinary incidents since last week.


Source: Firat News Agency