Tag Archives: Kurd Struggle

La polizia turca uccide un altro ragazzo a Cizre


14 gennaio 2015

ŞIRNAK (DİHA) – La polizia turca ha ucciso un altro ragazzino di 12 anni di nome Nihat KazanhanLa polizia turca è intervenuta con lacrimogeni e proiettili veri contro la popolazione di Cizre distretto di Şırnak,anche se non c’erano azioni o proteste nel quartiere.La polizia turca ha sparato al ragazzino dodicenne di Nihat Kazanhan.Nihat è stato colpito alla testa e portato all’Ospedale di Stato di Cizre.Nonostante tutti gli sforzi non ha potuto sopravvivere.

Turquie/Kurdistan : La police turque attaque un camp de réfugiés


Ceylanpınar est le sixième camp de réfugiés des Kurdes de Kobanê créé autour de la ville de Suruç. Ce camp, installé dans le village de Külünçe, se compose de 1.200 tentes et a une capacité de 8.000 personnes. Mais les autorités turques refusent de donner l’autorisation aux réfugiés d’y résider, et exige qu’ils aillent au camp AFAD gérée par l’Etat turc. Les autorités harcèlent régulièrement les réfugiés qui se sont auto-organisés, plutôt que de les aider. Les policiers détruisent les installations du camp. Des groupes de policiers appuyés par des blindés effectuent des descentes violentes dans le camp.


Syrie/Kurdistan : L’armée régulière syrienne attaque des positions du YPG à Hasseké


Dans l’est du Rojava, la ville de Hasseké est sous le contrôle partiel du YPG depuis 2011, et assiégée par l’Etat Islamique depuis 2013. Selon un communiqué des YPG, l’armée syrienne régulière a attaqué hier soir un checkpoint des Asayish (forces de sécurité kurdes). Les combats se poursuivent à l’heure actuelle dans le quartier Al-Talayi, autour d’une caserne de pompier, du centre de traitement d’eau, de la gare routière et de plusieurs checkpoints Asayish (forces de sécurité kurdes). Au moins 20 soldats syriens auraient été tués ainsi que 5 combattants du YPG.


Police attacking Kobane refugee camps with water cannons, militarised police and army (Turkey)


Tent city in Suruç raided by troops every week

8 January 2015 News, North-Kurdistan, Rojava

Police attacks vigil tents in Ceylanpınar
The 6th tent city opened for refugees from Kobanê in Suruç is being raided once a week by Turkish troops in armoured vehicles. Fidan Kanlıbaş, who works at the camp, said the Turkish authorities were trying to create an atmosphere of fear.
Continue reading Police attacking Kobane refugee camps with water cannons, militarised police and army (Turkey)

Kurdish news weekly round-up


This is a REPOST of the weekly news briefing put together by “Peace in Kurdistan”. It gives links to latest updates from Kobane, and also from the very tense situation in Cizre and other parts of Northern Kurdistan inside the Turkish border. Turkish police have killed six people in Cizre in the last 3 weeks. Of course, “Peace in Kurdistan” is sympathetic to the authoritarian leftist political party PKK, which is itself responsible for acts of repression, including against Kurds who don’t want to follow its leadership. We stand with those fighting against oppression, not with their rulers and political bosses.

Continue reading Kurdish news weekly round-up

La polizia turca uccide un dodicenne a Cizre. A Kobane continua la resistenza all’ ISIS


Due giorni fa la polizia turca, dispiegata come non mai nella regione che si affaccia alla Siria, ha compiuto un altro efferato delitto nel cercare di acuire la già alta repressione a danno dei curdi che abitano nei paesi presso la frontiera.
Continue reading La polizia turca uccide un dodicenne a Cizre. A Kobane continua la resistenza all’ ISIS

The Kurdish Question: Through the lens of Anarchist Resistance in the Heart of the Ottoman Empire 1880–1923



Michael Schmidt & Lucien van der Walt


This study of recent anti-imperialist resistance in Kurdistan, looking back to the anarchist resistance in the Ottoman heartland in the period before the formation of the Turkish state, consists of extracts — kindly proof-read in part by Will Firth — from the forthcoming book by Schmidt & van der Walt, Global Fire: 150 Fighting Years of International Anarchism & Syndicalism, Counter-power Vol.2, AK Press, USA, scheduled for release in about 2011.

Continue reading The Kurdish Question: Through the lens of Anarchist Resistance in the Heart of the Ottoman Empire 1880–1923