Πορεία στο Αγρίνιο
Πέμπτη 11/12
Ώρα 18:00
Κεντρική Πλατεία Αγρινίου
Συνέλευση Αλληλεγγύης στον Αναρχικό Απεργό Πείνας Νίκο Ρωμανό
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Inter Arma received and translated:
Continue reading Greece Direct Action
Enviado por Sin Fronteras Ni Banderas, núcleo antiautoritario de información y propaganda, de Chile, hemos recibido el anterior folleto en nustro correo, acompañado de la siguiente
Un punto de cruce en los caminos de la insurrección permanente.
Continue reading [Folleto] La Beligerancia De La Dignidad. Textos Del Compañero Nikos Romanos
Lo sciopero della fame di Nikos Romanos, incominciato nelle galere greche lo scorso 10 novembre, sta scatenando la rabbia di molti compagni e solidali in Grecia e altrove. A riguardo una breve corrispondenza con un compagno di Atene.
(Por: Sin Banderas Ni Fronteras)
Un punto de cruce en los caminos de la insurrección permanente.
Entre quienes identifican al poder como enemigo en la lucha por la liberación total y dotan sus pasos de una proyección que lxs conecta con otrxs compañerxs, el cruce de caminos entre guerrerxs de distintos territorios tarde o temprano aparece.
Continue reading Compilado de textos de Nikos Romanos
—- A NIKOS ROMANOS ————————
Caro Nikos, siamo con te. Resisti.
Non regalargli la tua vita. E’ quello che vogliono. Possono cancellarla un attimo dopo.
Non temono la tua morte. Temono che tu resti in vita a testimoniare. Resisti, Nikos
La madre di Dax, ucciso da fascisti a Milano il 16 marzo 2003
La madre di Renato, ucciso da fascisti a Roma il 27 agosto 2006
Continue reading A Nikos Romanos (ITA – Ελληνικά)
Nikos Romanos è prigioniero dello Stato a partire dal duplice esproprio di una banca e di un ufficio postale ELTA a Velventos, Kozani il 02.01.2013.
L’azione è parte di una lotta anarchica polimorfa contro i responsabili del saccheggio che Stato e Capitale effettuano sull’intera società.
Continue reading 8/12/14 Nikos Romanos, ventinovesimo giorno di sciopero della fame ….(it/en)
Never again slaves, never again with downcast eyes, never again alone; forever on the opposite riverbank, forever insurrectionalists and profane, forever on the path of free humans; forever, do you hear me?
These are the words of Anarchist Nikos Romanos, imprisoned in Athens, Greece for rebelling against the same system that suffocates and humiliates us all in this open prison called democracy. We could have begun this leaflet instead by saying that as we write Nikos is in hospital slipping into a coma, on hunger strike since November 10. That the prison authorities decided to completely ignore his ‘eligibility by law’ for educational day release in order to attend classes at an Athens university. That he is a conscious rebel, an anarchist, who learned the true meaning of power in 2008 at the age of fifteen when his friend Alexis Grigoropoulos died in his arms, shot in the heart by marauding police in a small street of Athens, leading to a month of mass insurrections all over Greece. That one of his comrades, Yannis Michailidis, has now joined him in hunger strike in solidarity and is also reaching a serious condition.
Continue reading NEVER AGAIN SLAVES…..