preaching organization without practicing it. On the other hand, one can come across much more effective authoritarianism in those groups who noisily proclaim the “absolute freedom of the individual”, than in those that are commonly considered authoritarian because they have a bureau and take decisions.
Yesterday, Sunday December the 7th, the Kerkstraat 104 was squatted. The building is owned by a well known real estate speculator: Jorgen Bakker, owner of the company ‘Capital Investments’, and recently renamed ‘Cap Living’. The building has been empty for several months, and there are no permits requests for renovation. Continue reading Kerkstraat 104 squatted (Amsterdam)→
This Saturday, De Vloek and its supporters will demonstrate against the planned eviciton and demolition of the social center in the Scheveningen harbor. The protesters want to march a route from the Kerkplein through the city along places such as the site of the now demolished squat the Blauwe Aanslag and the office of the Christian Democrats. Mayor of The Hague van Aartsen has banned the route of the demonstration, on the basis of fallacies and is criminalizing De Vloek. Continue reading Den Haag: Mayor prohibits demonstration route. Stop the criminalization of De Vloek!→
This morning Botenmakerstraat 16 (OVB) in Zaandam was evicted by the special unit of the ME [riot police]. They took more than 2 hours to enter. Ultimately, there are three people arrested and at the station. Continue reading Squats Infos (nl)→
As you might have noticed, the activity of Anarchist Black Cross Nijmegen was close to zero in the last few months. And unfortunately we decided to keep it this way. For a couple of years we tried our best to be an active group dealing with prisoner support and prison struggle in our own way. We organized countless of writing evenings, a bunch of info nights, quite some benefit parties and concerts and wrote & translated a lot of articles and zines. Continue reading We decided to call it quits (ABC Nijmegen-nl)→