Seit dem 3.2.2016 ist ein Audio von Aktiven des selbstorganisierten Refugee-Squats Orfanotrofeio in Thessaloniki online. Alle Downloads und Links findet ihr auf dem Blog des Anarchistischen Radios Berlin.
Continue reading (A-Radio) Mittelmeer 3: Das selbstorganisierte Refugee-Squat Orfanotrofeio in Thessaloniki
Tag Archives: no borders
Dover anti-fascist summary … and Birmingham this Saturday
On Saturday up to 200 fascists made it to Dover for their advertised march against migrants. Antifascists substantially outnumbered them: although not enough to stop the nazis marching and holding a rally at a seafront roundabout, with the help of police. The day saw bloody clashes both in the streets of Dover and at Maidstone service station on the road there.
Continue reading Dover anti-fascist summary … and Birmingham this Saturday
Greek Police raid the house of a group of international refugee-supporters
Pressure on Greece from the European Union to tighten controls on
refugee support is
directly implemented
This morning, the 1st February 2016, Greek police with the support of
some heavily-armed special-units, stormed the accomodation of a group of
international refugee-supporters near the Greek-Macedonian border. The
whole house, the buses around the house and all members of the house had
to stand for full body searches. The pretext given was a drugs search.
Nothing was found, except for a few pocket knifes.
“It’s just absurd!” says one of the supporters, “We are cooking soup! It
seems as if the criminalization of supporters now comes from the islands
to us.”
Continue reading Greek Police raid the house of a group of international refugee-supporters
Going Over The Top. . .
For the past two weeks, the French state has slowly but surely been evicting, clearing and levelling a large swathe of the Jungle camp, in turn creating a stretch of “no man’s land” between the highway to the port and the residents of the Jungle. Adding to the already bleak, militaristic landscape of razor wired fences, the permanent prescence of police and smog billowing from the surrounding factories; jungle residents now find themselves behind 10ft embankments of sand and rubble, reminiscent of World War I trench warfare.
Continue reading Going Over The Top. . .
Antifascists in Dover (30 january 2016)
Martina, Ornella, Valentina e i fermati a Calais liber* ora!
Sabato 23 gennaio un corteo di quattromila migranti e attivisti è partito dalla “jungle”, il campo profughi di Calais, alla volta della città. La protesta antirazzista, per il diritto alla mobilità e contro le condizioni di sovraffollamento di un campo che ospita un numero di persone tre volte superiore alla sua capacità, si è conclusa a ridosso del porto dove centinaia di migranti hanno aperto le recinzioni rincorrendo un sogno: salire sul traghetto “Spirit of Britain” in cerca di una vita degna.
Continue reading Martina, Ornella, Valentina e i fermati a Calais liber* ora!
NANCY au 103 en février
Roma 6 febbraio – Aggiornamenti sui C.I.E. e apertivo @ BAM
Da Roma a Calais
“Sapendo la situazione a Calais e le resistenze contro gli attacchi dei fascisti e della polizia, abbiamo pensato di visitare un ufficio di alcuni tra i diretti responsabili. Le frontiere sono ovunque, lottiamo insieme.
[DD] Vom Orfanotrofio bis zu Rigaer 94 – Grenzenlose Solidarität – Autonome Freiräume verteidigen!
Am 06.02. wird es in Dresden eine bundesweit mobilisierte Demonstration gegen die Festung Europa und für grenzenlose Solidarität geben. Symbolisch haben wir vorab schon mal ein paar rassistische und faschistische Organisationen und Einzelpersonen in Luftballonform platzen lassen!
Continue reading [DD] Vom Orfanotrofio bis zu Rigaer 94 – Grenzenlose Solidarität – Autonome Freiräume verteidigen!