Tag Archives: no borders

Families Demonstrate against Living Conditions, Are Attacked by Police/ Les forces de l’ordre attaquent une manifestation de familles


Today during the early afternoon, several families, with many woman and children, were holding a protest against the living conditions and the police violence in the jungle. This family protest was prevented from taking place by very large numbers of CRS. The CRS blocked the protest at the end of Rue des Garennes. The CRS showed up with eight vans and between 30 and 40 cops. They were equipped with shields and helmets. They brandished their bats and pepper spray cans. They even sprayed woman and children with cans of pepper spray from very close range. There were also baton rushes towards groups that included children. One woman present was thrown on the floor and police tried to steal at least one camera. By blocking this peaceful protest the French state is once again hiding whats happening in the jungle from the public and once again inflicting violence on people that fled to Europe seeking safety.
Continue reading Families Demonstrate against Living Conditions, Are Attacked by Police/ Les forces de l’ordre attaquent une manifestation de familles

Roma – Contro la macchina delle espulsioni ed il business di PosteItaliane


Questa mattina un gruppetto di nemici e nemiche delle frontiere è andato all’ufficio postale in una traversa di via di Acqua Bullicante, nel quartiere della Marranella.
Con un volantinaggio volto ad informare sulla responsabilità nelle deportazioni di MistralAir, compagnia aerea del Gruppo PosteItaliane, si è trovata l’occasione di parlare delle retate e dei controlli della polizia in quartiere.
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Calais: night 3, police attack with water cannon and rubber bullets


On Tuesday night (10-11 November) the cops came in force to attack the jungle, bringing water cannon and snatch squads and firing rubber bullets. This was a revenge attack after two nights of protests and heavy clashes on the 8th and 9th. We repost below a report on the night from Calais Migrant Solidarity.
Continue reading Calais: night 3, police attack with water cannon and rubber bullets

Greece: Update on the Occupied Workers Center evicted by the Greek Communist Party in Mytilene


As we previously reported, a former labor hire / worker’s center that had been occupied by anti-authoritarians and refugees in Mytilene was violently evicted recently by members of the Greek Communist Party (KKE). The center was being used as temporary housing for refugees and migrants while they waited for their papers to be approved so they could travel to northern Europe and was totally self-managed by refugees and migrants.
Continue reading Greece: Update on the Occupied Workers Center evicted by the Greek Communist Party in Mytilene

Immigration raids are being disrupted every week in London


We have reported on some high profile resistance to immigration raids on this website. But there’s much more that we don’t hear about. UKBA thug union reps are complaining that they are attacked on a regular basis, getting abused, pelted by eggs and rocks, forced to hide and flee. Repost from antiraids.
Continue reading Immigration raids are being disrupted every week in London

Calais: 2 nights of heavy clashes at the jungle, as eviction looms


The situation is coming to a boil in Calais. For three weeks now, the French state has been waging an escalated campaign of repression in a vain pretence of cutting migrant numbers to its target of 2000. What this means in practice is riot cop patrols and tear gas attacks in the jungle, beatings at the fences and in town, and mass arrests of up to 50 people per day, snatched when trying to cross at the tunnel or just going to the chip shop. Until 2 nights ago, the thousands of people gathered in the “Jungle” camp seemed to be suffering this treatment without retaliation.
Continue reading Calais: 2 nights of heavy clashes at the jungle, as eviction looms