El día 11 de agosto, a las seis de la mañana, un grupo de la policía autonómica catalana, los Mossos de Esquadra, irrumpieron en un piso donde vivían inmigrantes subsaharianos dedicados a la venta de discos y películas piratas en el pueblo de Salou. Según la versión oficial, dada por los propios Mossos y difundida a los cuatro vientos por todos los medios de comunicación, Mor, un mantero de los que habitaba el piso, “saltó” por el balcón situado a tres alturas del suelo resultando muerto al caer.
Continue reading La policía asesina en Salou a un inmigrante. ¡Mossos de Esquadra asesinos! ¡Ayuntamiento, Generalitat y Estado culpables!
Tag Archives: no borders
Roma – Sabato 5 settembre: presidio al CIE di Ponte Galeria
Desperate situation for migrants in Greece
As everyone focuses on the third memorandum with its debts and endless debates another crisis continues on. All across Europe, from Greece to Italy and Kos to Calais, people trying to move across supposedly open modern borders are being abandoned, abused or murdered. Over summer the situation on the Greek islands has got worse as more people fleeing war and poverty arrive with nothing.
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Solidarity means fighting the border
In the last few weeks, thousands more people are waking up to the misery caused by the borders. Let’s take this energy and grow it into a movement of solidarity and rebellion against the border system. Let’s tear down the walls.
We believe in solidarity not charity. Charity is an unequal relationship. One person is the active giver, the other is a passive beneficiary. Charity in Calais keeps alive the division between powerful, active, mainly white Europeans with passports, and powerless, passive, African and Asian victims without papers. However well meaning, it helps cement the deep inequalities of this world of states, borders, colonialism and capitalist exploitation.
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[Bari] Presidio solidale con i reclusi nel CIE di Bari Palese
Welcome to Britain.
Britain, like any other country of the western world, is a huge prison for thousands and thousands of people who come here in search of a better life, the so-called ‘asylum seekers’. It’s not by chance that so many desperate people try to enter the U.K. as well as the other rich countries. They can’t do otherwise. In their homeland not even the basic conditions of surviving are left.
Infoveranstaltung: Deutschland ist der größte Schuldner Europas
Auch aktuell reden viele von angeblichen „Tricks“ und Versäumnissen der griechischen Regierung sowie den griechischen Schulden. Doch in Wirklichkeit ist Deutschland der größte Schuldner in Europa und hat es mit beispielloser Raffinesse bis heute geschafft, sich aus der Verantwortung für seine Geschichte zu schleichen.
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Un muerto, detenciones, agresiones… resultado de la última orgía represiva de la policía nazionalcatalana en Salou, Tarragona.
Es una gravísima amenaza para Cataluña, estado español y el mundo entero la venta de cds pirateados.
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[Bâle, Suisse] Ni frontières ni nations. Sabotons ‘CONEX15′
Du 16 au 25 septembre 2015 aura lieu à Bâle et au nord-ouest de la Suisse un exercice militaire fédéral du nom de “CONEX15″. Durant cet exercice, un contrôle militaire réel aura lieu dans des points névralgiques tels que la gare, les frontières ou le port. Le scénario est basé sur une situation post-crasheuropéenne où la Suisse, seul îlôt préservé de la crise mondiale, doit se protéger contre et envers tous, notamment les migrant.e.s et les ennemi.e.s intérieurs.
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Bordered London: Agencies & companies involved in the detention & deportation machine
Thousands of migrants are illegalised, locked up and forcibly deported every year for doing what people have done for thousands of years: moving in search of a better life, fleeing wars, persecution, discrimination, abuse and so on. Their lives are made miserable by discriminatory policies devised by unscrupulous decision makers and private companies that make vast profits from their suffering. From immigration prisons, reporting centres, to government and corporate offices, this map is intended to illustrate how the border regime in London and the surrounding areas works.
Continue reading Bordered London: Agencies & companies involved in the detention & deportation machine