Tag Archives: Revolutionary Struggle

Lettera di Kostas Gournas, membro di “Lotta Rivoluzionaria” detenuto nel carcere di tipo C a Domokos (Grecia)


La coalizione governativa formata da Nuova Democrazia-PASOK (partiti di destra e sinistra) non solo ha flirtato con il neoliberismo estremo imposto dalla Troika (FMI- BCE-UE), è stata il maggior sostenitore e ha contribuito a modellare le politiche del Memorandum. Non ha flirtato solo con il programma di estrema destra da alba Dorata (banda politica fascista), è stata l’espressione istituzionale e politica dello Stato di estrema destra che promuove la trasformazione della società in una società fascista.
Continue reading Lettera di Kostas Gournas, membro di “Lotta Rivoluzionaria” detenuto nel carcere di tipo C a Domokos (Grecia)

Lettera di Nikos Maziotis


Ciao, compagni!   Sto bene e mi auguro che lo siate anche voi. Vi scrivo per informarvi sulla situazione esistente qui.   Recente sono stato trasferito in un carcere di massima sicurezza (di tipo C) a Domokos. Sono stato il primo prigioniero a esservi trasferito e dopo di me l’hanno fatto con altri prigionieri sociali e politici. Per ora le condizioni detentive di qui non differiscono da quelle imposte in altre prigioni. Il codice penitenziario rimane lo stesso per tutti i tipi di prigione, A, B e C. Qui non ci sono condizioni speciali, ma la legge riguardante i prigionieri detenuti in carceri di tipo C) è più dura di quella applicata per i prigionieri in carceri di tipo A) e B).
Continue reading Lettera di Nikos Maziotis

Texto de NikosMaziotis para la creación de una Asamblea de Solidaridad y de encarceladxs de Conspiración de las Células del Fuego-FAI / FRI (Grecia)


trad. Sin Banderas Ni Fronteras

Texto de NikosMaziotis, miembro de Lucha Revolucionaria, para la creación de una Asamblea de Solidaridad. (Grecia)

(Traducido por Sin Banderas Ni Fronteras desde 325.nostate)

En el siguiente texto, Nikos Maziotis, miembro de Lucha Revolucionaria, sugiere la creación de una asamblea de solidaridad para todos los presos políticos y prisioneros en lucha.

En el texto, dirigido a la asamblea abierta de Anarquistas/Antiautoritarios contra las condiciones específicas de detención de tipo C., Maziotis propone la creación de un encuentro de solidaridad hacia todos los presos políticos y prisioneros en lucha. Al mismo tiempo, es una convocatoria abierta a todos los compañeros y compañeras del entorno anarquista / antiautoritario para participar y apoyar este esfuerzo. En el corto plazo se darán a conocer la fecha y el lugar de la primera reunión para explorar las posibilidades de establecer la Asamblea de Solidaridad.
Continue reading Texto de NikosMaziotis para la creación de una Asamblea de Solidaridad y de encarceladxs de Conspiración de las Células del Fuego-FAI / FRI (Grecia)

Declaration written by Nikos Maziotis, a member of Revolutionary Struggle – 24th October 2011. (en/it)


[Stop deception – Fighters are not terrorist]

This is a political trial against revolutionaries who chose armed struggle to overthrow capitalism, the State, and the criminal regime which you, as judges, are here to defend.
Your court is a special tribunal set up by American and British imperialists and by the guardians of the Greek state, who have imposed anti-terrorism laws and special rules that decide on the sanctions and make sentences heavier. They introduced special courts inside the prison, in a suffocating security environment which badly affects the publicity on the trial in order to prevent people from listening to the revolutionaries’ political opinions. On this occasion they applied special conditions of detention, with the aim of strengthening the repression against armed resistance and the revolutionary organization of armed actions in Greece.

Continue reading Declaration written by Nikos Maziotis, a member of Revolutionary Struggle – 24th October 2011. (en/it)

Nikos Maziotis Statement to the Athens Criminal Court July 1999

Nikos Maziotis
Statement to the Athens Criminal Court July 1999


The following text is the translation of what Nikos Maziotis said to the court during his trial which took place on the 5th to 7th of July 1999 in Athens, Greece. He was convicted and given a 15-year prison sentence for ‘attempted explosion with danger for human lives’ and ‘possession of guns and explosives’ for his action of placing a bomb in the Ministry of Industry and Development on December 12, 97, in solidarity with the revolt of the villages in Strymonikos against the installation of a gold metallurgy by multinational company TVX GOLD. During the trial he again supported his choices politically, as he did from the beginning when he had sent a letter from prison with which he took responsibility of the action against the Ministry. Though he never accepted the charges the state was accusing him of, as revolutionary acts cannot be described in terms of the penal code. In that sense, this trial was not a typical procedure of convicting someone who pleads ‘guilty’ but it turned into a political confrontation as much between Nikos and his prosecutors, as between his comrades, anarchists and revolutionaries and the state and its mechanisms. This confrontation was strongly supported by the presence of comrades from Sardinia (Costantino Cavalleri), Italy (Alfredo Bonanno) and France (Hellyette Bess) who testified in the court in solidarity with Nikos and by the letters sent in support by the imprisoned militants of Action Directe, France, by the ABC of Barcelona and by other anarchist groups from Spain. All these together, along with the presence inside and outside the court of anarchist comrades and of course the speech of Nikos Maziotis against his prosecutors, gave a sense of the international struggle for freedom and of solidarity with all the people in revolt, with all prisoners captured in moments of the social and class war against the state and the capital.

Continue reading Nikos Maziotis Statement to the Athens Criminal Court July 1999

Revolutionary greetings from imprisoned anarchist Marco Camenisch, on the occasion of the event for the Revolutionary Struggle case (Switzerland) en/es/it/fr


From Switzerland I send my warmest revolutionary salutes to you, comrades, on the occasion of your event-festival on the 7th and 8th of June in Greece!

The themes of your meeting—history, actuality and perspective of the international social revolution—are of crucial importance and more timely than ever, in these times of irreversible crisis of the dominant system.
Never had been the times so ripe and urgent for the realization and organization of the internationalist struggle towards a social-revolutionary perspective as the only solution to the crisis of the dominant system, and for this purpose the construction of an internationalist revolutionized solidarity is indispensable; these are more than obvious and shareable affirmations of yours, Pola and Nikos, and of a multitude of combatant comrades. This is also confirmed by the growing popular consensus for armed and militant revolutionary intervention and the corresponding increase of fear and terrorism of the system. We can find the growth of consensus, albeit at different levels, not only in Greece but in many other Western countries and the world, while the terrorism of elites and the international advancement of their repression are much more leveled and unified. This makes even more important and urgent a constructive strong drive—analysis and practice—towards internationalist revolutionary solidarity beyond tendencies, not only against repression, but also, much more in general, for a convergence of revolutionary pathways in use and under construction!
Solidarity and love to you, compas, in and out of prisons, who, in Greece and everywhere in the world, at this precious moment and many others through attacks of justice of the class create a platform and opportunity to relaunch the counterattack on this ground, as contribution for permanent resistance and revolutionary attack!
So that they’re persecuted even into their toilets (surely of lusso)…!!!
Continue reading Revolutionary greetings from imprisoned anarchist Marco Camenisch, on the occasion of the event for the Revolutionary Struggle case (Switzerland) en/es/it/fr

Text by Nikos Maziotis, member of the Revolutionary Struggle about his transfer to the C’type prisons in Domokos – Greece


A few hours after Samaras’s government collapsed, because it was not
possible to elect a president of democracy on December 29th resulting in
the announcement of elections, my transfer to the C’type high security
prisons in Domokos was carried out. The transfer to the C’type prisons
is the final act of a government which could not take on, like the
previous ones, the weight of political social genocide it has been
enforcing for the last 2,5 years under the orders of the troika and the
transnational economic elite.
It is the final act of a government that proved that the regime that led thousands of people to death, sunk
millions into poverty, wretchedness, hunger and a whole population tohumiliation, is afraid of revolutionaries and armed fighters.
Continue reading Text by Nikos Maziotis, member of the Revolutionary Struggle about his transfer to the C’type prisons in Domokos – Greece



The coalition government N.D.-PASOK did not only flirt with the extreme
neo-liberalism imposed by the troika, it was the biggest supporter and
helped in the shaping of the memorandum policies. It not only flirted
with the far-right agenda of the Golden Dawn, it was itself the
political and institutional expression of the deeply far-right state
that promotes the transformation of society into a fascist one.
C’ type prisons and the legal frame that defines an exclusion regime for
the prisoners is part of the memorandum policies that have messed up the
lives of thousands of proletarians. A living prison inside prison that
aims at the political isolation and de-politicization of the political
prisoners and their action, the vengeful treatment of the disobedient
and their dissuasive functionality for the entirety of the prisoners.
Continue reading TEXT BY KOSTAS GOURNAS{ member of the Revolutionary Struggle} FROM THE ISOLATION OF DOMOKOS PRISONS – GREECE

Texto de Nikos Maziotis, miembro de Lucha Revolucionaria, para la creación de una Asamblea de Solidaridad. (Grecia)


En el siguiente texto, Nikos Maziotis, miembro de Lucha Revolucionaria, sugiere la creación de una asamblea de solidaridad para todos los presos políticos y prisioneros en lucha.

En el texto, dirigido a la asamblea abierta de Anarquistas/Antiautoritarios contra las condiciones específicas de detención de tipo C., Maziotis propone la creación de un encuentro de solidaridad hacia todos los presos políticos y prisioneros en lucha. Al mismo tiempo, es una convocatoria abierta a todos los compañeros y compañeras del entorno anarquista / antiautoritario para participar y apoyar este esfuerzo.

Continue reading Texto de Nikos Maziotis, miembro de Lucha Revolucionaria, para la creación de una Asamblea de Solidaridad. (Grecia)

Grecia: Texto del compa Nikos Maziotis sobre su traslado a las prisiones de máxima seguridad de Domokos – es-fr


Mi traslado a las prisiones de máxima seguridad de tipo C en Domokos se realizó tras pocas horas del colapso del gobierno de Samaras, una vez que no fue posible la elección de Presidente de Democracia durante la votación del 29/12/2014 en el parlamento griego, tras lo cual se proclamaron elecciones para el 25 de enero de 2015. Mi traslado a las prisiones de tipo C es el último acto de un gobierno que, como los anteriores, no pudo soportar el peso de la política del genocidio social que va aplicando los últimos 2 años y medio, bajo las órdenes de la Troika y de la élite económica supranacional.
Continue reading Grecia: Texto del compa Nikos Maziotis sobre su traslado a las prisiones de máxima seguridad de Domokos – es-fr