Tag Archives: Revolutionary Struggle

Athens: Poster in Exarchia, in solidarity with Revolutionary Struggle members Pola Roupa and Nikos Maziotis


Come play with me.
I will hand my queen over to you.
(She was once my loved one
now I don’t have a loved one anymore.)
I will hand my rooks over to you
(now I don’t shoot at my friends anymore
they died a long time ago, before I ever did)
And this king was never mine
and what do I need all these pawns for?
(they go right ahead, blind, without dreams to speak of)
All of them, I’ll give all of my knights to you
I’ll just keep this fou of mine
who knows how to go to one colour only
jumping from one edge to the other
laughing at the many armors you have
taking over your lines all of a sudden
agitating your unyielding deployments.

And this game shall have no end.

Manolis Anagnostakis





Giusto due parole, due, sull’arresto ad Atene del compagno Nikos Maziotis. 

Nikos. purtroppo, dopo essere riuscito a far perdere le sue traccie per un paio d’anni insieme alla sua compagna Pola Roupa avrà a che fare di nuovo con il “problema” irrosolvibile dell’isituzione carceraria…ma ne verrà fuori di nuovo anche se non si sa quando.


Grecia. Información sobre la detención del compañero Nikos Maziotis


Desde el 2003, la guerrilla urbana “Lucha Revolucionaria” a realizado distintos ataques explosivos y armados contra el Estado y el Capital en Grecia, desde una tendencia anarco-comunista y una visión de revolución social en su proyección política. En Marzo del 2010 tras un enfrentamiento armado con la policía luego de intentar expropiar un auto cae abatido el compañero Lambros Foundas, se expande el cerco represivo contra los compañeros y finalmente en Abril del 2010 la policía realiza múltiples allanamientos consiguiendo procesar a varios compañeros quedando 5 en prisión, de los cuales Nikos, Pola y Kostas asumen responsabilidad política de pertenecer a Lucha Revolucionaria.

Continue reading Grecia. Información sobre la detención del compañero Nikos Maziotis

Athens: Nikos Maziotis transferred to Koridallos prison and Responsibility claim for Molotov attack against anti-riot squad in Exarchia



A banner that reads “The State is the only terrorist – Solidarity with Nikos Maziotis” was placed outside the university premises in Alexandroupoli, the northernmost city in Greece.


On Saturday morning, July 19th, 2014, an interrogator visited the room in Evangelismos hospital where Nikos Maziotis was being treated since July 16th, after the armed clash with cops in Monastiraki, which caused his injury and captivity. When the anarchist prisoner was asked what his name is, he did not answer anything. When he was asked what his profession is, he replied: “Revolutionary.” He refused to say anything else. The comrade was discharged from the hospital in the presence of his lawyers. In the same afternoon, he was taken to courts of Athens where the warrants against him were executed. He was then transferred to the ‘hospital’ of Koridallos prison.
Solidarity with Revolutionary Struggle members, Kostas Gournas, Nikos Maziotis and Pola Roupa.
Honour forever to Lambros Foundas, who gave his life in struggle.
In the early hours of Sunday, July 20th, we attacked the bastards of the MAT anti-riot squad with Molotov cocktails, at the headquarters of Greece’s socialist PASOK co-ruling party located in Charilaou Trikoupi Street, Exarchia, as a minimum act of solidarity with urban guerrilla fighter Nikos Maziotis…
The States are the only terrorists. Solidarity with urban guerrilla fighters!
Strength and solidarity to anarchist combatant Nikos Maziotis, and Pola Roupa who has a bounty on her head.


Miembros de Lucha revolucionaria en juicio asumen la clandestinidad. – 2012


Nikos Maziotis y Pola Roupa, miembros del grupo de guerrilla urbana Lucha Revolucionaria permanecieron en “prisión preventiva” alrededor de 2 años en las cárceles griegas donde incluso llego a nacer su pequeño hijo Lambros Victor.

L@s compañer@s asumieron la responsabilidad política de ser parte de dicho grupo armado en prisión y en el juicio que sigue en curso contra ellos. Tras vencer el plazo legal de “prisión preventiva” que permite el Estado Griego los compas logran salir a la calle.

Continue reading Miembros de Lucha revolucionaria en juicio asumen la clandestinidad. – 2012