Tag Archives: squat

Dublin, Ireland: Eviction of Villa Park


Monday saw an eviction without court order in Dublin involving Garda and private security / builders at Villa Park, Dublin 7.  The house had been left abandoned for at least two years according to  neighbours before being brought back into use last October by people who needed a home.  One of them told us that it was a “Beautiful house that was to be demolished in order to make a new route to warehouse / bakery behind it but neighbours objected and planning permission was refused.  The person claiming ownership seemed to be very wealthy and is listed as a director of over 28 companies.”
Continue reading Dublin, Ireland: Eviction of Villa Park

MATTI DA SLEGARE – Serata Antipsichiatrica


Venerdì 12 febbraio

Matti da slegare

Serata Antipsichiatrica

Normalità, conformismo, adattamento, adeguamento, convenzionalismo, aspettative, cultura omologante: parole d’ordine per un “quieto” vivere all’interno di recinti sociali, per altro sempre più stretti.
E allora il pre-giudizio fa sì che il/la diverso/a da me (o da un vacuo quanto pretestuoso “noi”) implichi nei suoi confronti un giudizio irreversibile, una stigmatizzazione.
Proviamo a parlarne insieme…

Venerdì 12 febbraio, al L38 Squat
Continue reading MATTI DA SLEGARE – Serata Antipsichiatrica

3 Podcasts von der Sendung: „Wie viele sind hinter Gittern, die wir draußen brauchen”.- Ausgabe Februar 2016
