Porque nunca seremos parte del silencio cómplice de la sociedad de esclavxs, a nuestrxs compañerxs les extendemos la mano.
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Tag Archives: Tamara Sol Farías Vergara
El 24 de noviembre, mismo día en el que comienzan las Semanas Anticarcelarias, se dará inicio al juicio preparatorio contra la compañera Tamara Sol Farías Vergara, que se encuentra encarcelada en el centro de exterminio/cárcel de San Miguel, en la región chilena.
[Chile] Con barricadas en Quita Normal y Villa Francia comienza el primer día de las Semanas Anticarcelarias.
Durante la noche del 23 y la madrugada del 24 de nov. se registraron barricadas en diversos puntos de la Villa Francia y en la comuna de Quinta Normal. Nos llega la información de que efectivamente las protestas están enmarcadas dentro del llamado abierto a accionar en las Semanas de Agitacion y Solidaridad Anticarcelaria, ademas de ser gestos en apoyo a la compañera Tamara Sol, ya que este lunes 24 comienza el juicio en su contra (en la pestaña “cronograma” mas info.)
Continue reading [Chile] Con barricadas en Quita Normal y Villa Francia comienza el primer día de las Semanas Anticarcelarias.
Soli-Poster for Tamara Sol F. Vergara / Afiche Solidario con Tamara Sol F. Vergara – ES/EN/IT/FR/POL/POR/GR (Chile)
Frente al silencio cómplice un grito por la solidaridad!
A pocas semanas del llamamiento en solidaridad con lxs presxs anarquistas, hemos querido escribir unas palabras para nuestra compañera Tamara Sol Farías Toledo. Ya ha pasado un poco más de 7 meses desde que te encuentras encarcelada enfrentado los cargos de “Robo calificado” y “Homicidio Calificado con carácter de frustrado” y solo podemos decir que para nosotrxs que apostamos por la anarquía en el aquí y el ahora, estas presente en cada gesto y acción antiautoritaria que podemos llevar a cabo en contra de esta sociedad.
Como anarquistas nos reconocemos desde la ilegalidad, ya que nuestra existencia les estorba y en tu caso en particular no reconocemos los márgenes de las leyes, si en un juicio se te declarase culpable o inocente, eso no cambiaría el reconocernos como enemigxs de cualquier sociedad, del capital, de toda forma de autoridad y dominación. Eres una compañera que se encuentra en prisión, lo cual es suficiente para solidarizar contigo en este momento y no ser partícipes del silencio que llama al olvido.
El silencio es el cómplice inseparable con la delación y el asesinato de cada unx de nuestrxs compañerx en prisión o en una acción, por lo cual no queremos ser partícipes de ello y aún menos cuando unx de lxs nuestrxs se encuentra en prisión, independiente si él o la anarquista, antiautoritaria o nihilista sea o no sea de nuestro grupo de afinidad.
Hemos querido en este momento hacer este afiche sin tu rostro, aunque hayas aparecido en los medios de comunicación de nuestrx enenmigx y tu imagen se encuentre en la internet no seremos proveedores de ello ni participes en tu caso ni en el de cualquier otrx compañerx, que no haya decidido lo contrario.
Agradecemos a todxs lxs compañerxs que nos han ayudado en el diseño de este afiche como así su traducción en los distintos idiomas. Esperamos que este afiche pueda salir a la calle y que se multiplique en los distintos espacios y proyectos contrainformativos antiautoritarios.
Instinto Salvaje
A propagar la Anarquía Salvaje!!!
Santiago: Agitación solidaria con lxs compas presxs
Unto the Threats of Power: No Silence or Complacency! (Update from Chile)
A brief update on the present situation, received from the Chilean comrades:
Spread the revolt for the total liberation with all forms of struggle, and against all authority!!
In the last few weeks, we have seen through the media how the Powerful have initiated a new offensive against the anti-authoritarian/anarchist community. Once again, we can see how the newspapers and news channels have propagated the idea of trapping those responsible for various arson attacks and explosions that have taken place since 2011.
Alleged suspects are turned into convicts through the media, with the end of validating future repressive waves unto so-called “public opinion,”unleashing possible identities, accusations, and investigative lines.
This is not a new context considering the continuation of strategies that those in power have developed throughout history to annihilate all forms of radical expression and revolutionary struggle. Moreover, we have a recent case in 2010 that unleashed a mass media campaign that prepared the way to “Operation Salamandra” led by then Prosecutor Peña, through which many homes, social centres, squat houses were raided under charges for the alleged [Chilean Anarchist] “Bombs Case.” The accused spent a year in prison and ended up being absolved by the Courts due to lack of evidence.
Today, the enemy once again begins to mobilize their media mongrels and repressive forces to point out signs of governability and control unto the growing number of actions (which have included explosives and arson) claimed by Anarchist groups and others claimed by those in power to have been allegedly done by groups of the same kind. Those in power have configured a scenario that promotes a kind of collective psychosis towards bomb blasts, at the same time that the media displays plausible police theories, both new and old, on the alleged identity of those responsible for these attacks, thereby socially necessitating their capture.
This media display and its correlating subsequent repression – with meetings between high intelligence authorities, the Executive power, State prosecution and the police – have had their eyes focused on the string of attacks that have taken place during the months of May and June, 2014 (claimed by anarchist groups), and more recently on the bomb that exploded in the middle of July on a subway train during late operating hours (which NO group has claimed), among other cases. But beyond this recent contingency, those in power and their intelligence apparatus had already reactivated their media offensive through the arrest of comrades Monica Caballero and Francisco Solar in November 2013 [(the two former accused under the Chilean Anarchist Bombs case)], accused of placing explosive artifacts against various churches.
Allegations and police conjectures continued after the death of comrade Sebastian Oversluij in December 2013 during a bank expropriation, which later was also brought on by the arrest of Tamara Sol, whom shot a bank guard in January 2014, as well as with judicial circus and conviction of the comrades accused under the “Security Case”.
What does the enemy want today? Simple, we only have to look at the mass media and its role as the spokesperson for those in power. What those in power seek is to plant the idea that behind the latest attacks there are mainly comrades that are already being investigated or have been previously accused (such as with the Anarchist “Bombs Case”) that have continued being active and in solidarity with prisoners of this social war. The enemy seeks to validate the idea that revolutionary solidarity is the same as placing explosive artifacts, and that anarchist struggle is only sustained through bombs, therefore anyone who is active in the struggle could very well be persecuted.
In order to achieve this, the representatives of those in power modify the Anti-terrorist Law to amplify its repressive grasp with undercover agents and other intelligence techniques that are characteristic of police control over drug trafficking. As we have already stated, revolutionary experience throughout history demonstrates that these kinds of tactics are part of the various methods used by agents of power to neutralize and annihilate movements, as well as communities of struggle that propagate rebellion against the existing system of domination. This would stop the extension of the conflict against Power towards other areas of struggle, and the propagation of other ideas and practices of liberation throughout various areas of society. Nevertheless, the incarceration of comrades and the attack of a collective community of struggle is what us being sought after in the short term.
Unto this, our position is not to victimize ourselves, nor is it to clean the image of the anti-authoritarian offensive, or anarchist “ideology” in fact. Nor is it to allow ourselves to be subdued by silence and complacency leaving open ground for those who wish to make society into a graveyard of obedience, resignation and cowardice.We call out to all anti-authoritarian comrades to take on this context with a collective perspective; unto the steps led by those in power, let us go forward in solidarity with our comrades that are being singled out by the media and defend our positions of struggle with all the means at our reach. The anti-authoritarian struggle does not create hierarchy between comrades nor means of struggle, for which every gesture, as small as it may appear to be, could help in stopping the encirclement of those in power. Stopping them instead by proposing anti-authoritarian ideas, values, and practices that clearly identify the enemy.
This war is against Power, which today is sharpened with the continuity of struggle and rebellion that unites so many anarchist and revolutionary comrades in history, as well as in the present. We are called to action unto the attack of our ideas and comrades in struggle in this as well as distant territories, combating annihilation and the desire to become detached from the current reality.
Let silence and complacency not leave the door open for repression. Today is when we demonstrate what we are really made of in this struggle. To propagate the anti-authoritarian offensive in various ways against all forms of authority.
Some who will not capitulate.
Chile. August 2014
Almuerzo Solidario con Tamara Sol.
Chile: Update on the situation of Tamara Sol – harassment and punishment
From instintosalvaje, translated by waronsociety:
Note by Instinto Salvaje: Our solidarity with our compañera Tamara Sol Farias Vergara is unrestricted, therefore we cannot be quiet about the situation that is happening with our compañera and her family. We only wish to express our irreducible love for our sisters and brothers in prison and for their families and close circle. And to our enemies we want to make clear our hatred with a few words and in each action that each individual andcompañerx deems fitting.
Continue reading Chile: Update on the situation of Tamara Sol – harassment and punishment
Chile: Update on the situation of Tamara Sol
Note by Instinto Salvaje: Our solidarity with our compañera Tamara Sol Farias Vergara is unrestricted, therefore we cannot be quiet about the situation that is happening with our compañera and her family. We only wish to express our irreducible love for our sisters and brothers in prison and for their families and close circle. And to our enemies we want to make clear our hatred with a few words and in each action that each individual and compañerx deems fitting.
Continue reading Chile: Update on the situation of Tamara Sol