Narin Capan, la ragazza di Silvan (Diyarbakir) arrestata dalla polizia turca lo scorso 30 marzo per aver aiutato dei giornalisti italiani, dovrà comparire davanti al giudice il prossimo 26 maggio. Le accuse di cui dovrà rispondere sono “offesa contro lo stato” per aver dato “un’immagine negativa della Turchia” e “appartenenza a un’organizzazione terroristica” per aver conservato sul suo cellulare una foto che, secondo gli investigatori, la ritrae a Kobane. Narin si trova nel carcere di Diyarbakir ormai da oltre un mese.
Continue reading Turchia: Narin Capan a processo il 26 maggio
Tag Archives: turkey
Sunum: İspanya’da Anarşist Sendika CNT ve Anarşist Hareketin Tarihi ve Bugünü
Bask Bölgesi’nde anarko-sendikalist C.N.T.’nin sekreterliğini yapmış olan ve sendika içerisinde halen aktif mücadele yürüten Curro Velazquez-Gaztelu ile İspanya’da anarko-sendikalizmin ve anarşist hareketin tarihi ve bugünü üzerine bir söyleşi gerçekleştireceğiz.
Continue reading Sunum: İspanya’da Anarşist Sendika CNT ve Anarşist Hareketin Tarihi ve Bugünü
Euro-Border Flashpoint News #27
(Brennero protests)
Issue 27: Week 2nd – 8th May, 2016
A weekly bulletin from, aiming to collate and simplify information from a variety of sources about the situation at Europe’s borders.
General News
There will be a “Defencing Festival” of music, actions and discussions at the Temporary Autonomous Zone for Freedom of Movement at the Slovenian-Croatian, 24-26th June, 2016.
Continue reading Euro-Border Flashpoint News #27
Her War: Women vs. ISIS (RT Documentary)
FULL 60 Minutes: Kurdish Female Fighters against ISIS – FEMALE STATE (extended un-aired footage)
FULL 60 Minutes: Kurdish Female Fighters against ISIS – FEMALE STATE PART 2 (un-aired footage)
Kurdish Female Fighters – A Day in Syria
Hunting ISIS With Kurdish Female Fighters [Documentary HD/Kurds]
HBDH claims responsibility for the action in Giresun
(20 march Armed HBSH militias clash with police during Newroz celebration in Istambul Gazi district)
HBDH announced that its members carried out the action against the Gendarme Base in Giresun’s Çaldağ region. HBDH stated that 3 gendarmes died during the action and the Base Commander got critically injured and later died at a hospital.
Continue reading HBDH claims responsibility for the action in Giresun
ABC İstanbul Bülten Mart/Nisan Sayısı Yayımlandı…
Continue reading ABC İstanbul Bülten Mart/Nisan Sayısı Yayımlandı…
CEMİYETTE PİŞİYORUM • POSTER-ITI • RÖTBRAINS @ Peyote Nevizade // 27.05.2016
Continue reading CEMİYETTE PİŞİYORUM • POSTER-ITI • RÖTBRAINS @ Peyote Nevizade // 27.05.2016
YPS inflict heavy blow on Turkish special forces: 29 dead
YPS General Command announced that at least 29 special operations officers died during the clashes and actions in Şırnak and Nusaybin on May 5
YPS General Command announced that at least 29 special operations officers died during the clashes and actions in Şırnak and Nusaybin on May 5. YPS stated that 29 special ops forces died in Şırnak and at least 1 died Nusaybin.
Continue reading YPS inflict heavy blow on Turkish special forces: 29 dead