Tag Archives: Panagiotis Argirou

Greece: ‘Forever Guilty’ -Text by Panagiotis Argirou on the trial for the 250 attacks of the CCF / FAI-IRF



The trials of anarchist prisoners who chose to give a violent form to their ideas and values, who chose to associate with fire, explosives and bullets their hatred towards Power, is another instance of a war between the Anarchist Revolt and the world of Sovereignty. That’s why, reaching the end of such a trial, the third one in a row I have to face due to my action as a member of the anarchist group of direct action Conspiracy of Cells of Fire, I feel the need for my words to meet again with every anarchist comrade outside the walls.
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Grecia:Texto del compa Panagiotis Argirou en vistas al fin del juicio por el Proyecto Fénix



“Solo en los momentos donde nuestra tensión por la libertad se encuentra con la praxis somos realmente capaces de vivir la anarquía, aquí y ahora. Desgraciadamente, el sueño que llevamos en nuestros corazones es demasiado grande para evitar el riesgo de vernos frente a la monstruosa muralla de la autoridad levantada en defensa del Estado y el Capital. Cuando realmente ponemos nuestra vida en juego, inevitablemente acabamos confrontando las duras condiciones inherentes a la lucha: la muerte y la prisión”
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Melbourne, so-called Australia: Paint and sledgehammer attack against BAE Systems

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In the final hours of December 2015 we attacked the offices of the defense contractor BAE Systems on River Boulevard in Richmond with paint and sledge hammers.

BAE Systems make billions from war and their technology is responsible for countless civilian deaths worldwide.
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Koridallos prisons: A writing by CCF member Panagiotis Argirou on the occasion of the nearing end of the Phoenix Project trial


“Only in those moments when our tension for freedom encounters with praxis do we really manage to live anarchy, here and now. Unfortunately the dream we carry in our hearts is too great to avoid the risk of finding ourselves up against the monstrous wall of authority raised in defense of the state and capital. When we really put our life at stake, inevitably we end up confronting the hardness that’s inherent in the struggle: death and prison.”
Continue reading Koridallos prisons: A writing by CCF member Panagiotis Argirou on the occasion of the nearing end of the Phoenix Project trial

Φυλακές Κορυδαλλού: Κείμενο του μέλους της ΣΠΦ Παναγιώτη Αργυρού για τη δίκη του Σχεδίου Φοίνικας



«Μόνο εκείνη τη στιγμή που η τάση μας για ελευθερία ενώνεται πάλι με τη δράση, καταφέρνουμε να βιώσουμε την αναρχία στο εδώ και στο τώρα. Δυστυχώς το όνειρο που κουβαλάμε στις καρδιές μας παραείναι μεγάλο για να αποφύγουμε τον κίνδυνο να βρεθούμε μπροστά στον τερατώδη τοίχο της εξουσίας, που ορθώνεται προστατεύοντας το κράτος και το κεφάλαιο. Όταν βάζουμε τη ζωή μας στο παιχνίδι, αναπόφευκτα καταλήγουμε να αντιμετωπίζουμε τη σκληρότητα που ενυπάρχει στον αγώνα: φυλακή ή θάνατος».
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[Greek prisons] For a new combat position of anarchist insurgency – For a Black December


I hate the individual who bends his body under the weight of an unknown power, of some X, of a god.

I hate, I say, all those who, surrendering to others, out of fear, out of resignation, a part of their power as a man, are not only crushed themselves but crush me, and those I love, under the weight of their frightful cooperation or their idiotic inertia.
Continue reading [Greek prisons] For a new combat position of anarchist insurgency – For a Black December

International call for a Black December


Comrades coming from various geographies and different paths of struggle, yet having the same longing for the diffusion of anarchist offensive, support the call for a Black December published by brothers held in prisons of the Greek democracy.

We call for the revival of the black memory of our dead and all those who have fallen in the fight for freedom and anarchy.

We call for the activation of combative solidarity with comrades that experience incarceration because of their unyielding stance of confrontation with all forms of Power, as well as those who have assumed the difficult path of clandestinity.
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‘For a new combative position of anarchist insurgency – For a Black December’ by Nikos Romanos & Panagiotis Argirou of CCF (Greece)


I hate the individual who bends his body under the weight of an unknown power, of some X, of a god.

I hate, I say, all those who, surrendering to others, out of fear, out of resignation, a part of their power as a man, are not only crushed themselves but crush me, and those I love, under the weight of their frightful cooperation or their idiotic inertia.
Continue reading ‘For a new combative position of anarchist insurgency – For a Black December’ by Nikos Romanos & Panagiotis Argirou of CCF (Greece)

[Greek prisons] For a new combat position of anarchist insurgency – For a Black December (en/es)


I hate the individual who bends his body under the weight of an unknown power, of some X, of a god.

I hate, I say, all those who, surrendering to others, out of fear, out of resignation, a part of their power as a man, are not only crushed themselves but crush me, and those I love, under the weight of their frightful cooperation or their idiotic inertia.
Continue reading [Greek prisons] For a new combat position of anarchist insurgency – For a Black December (en/es)