‘A Conversation Between Anarchists’ – A discussion about tactics, theory and practice between the imprisoned members of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire and a few anarchists in Mexico (pdf)




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What follows is a conversation between the imprisoned members of the CCF and a number of anarchists from Mexico. The questions are asked by various comrades of the country, not only by those of the editorial group Conspiración Ácrata. We thank the comrades who helped us with the huge job of translation from Greek into Spanish, and the comrades who helped us in making the conversation with the imprisoned comrades possible. Solidarity greetings to all of them and to our comrades of the CCF!

This dialogue came out for the first time in May 2012, in Spanish, in the Mexican anarchist magazine Conspiración Ácrata.

This English edition translated from the Italian text published by Edizioni Sole Nero by actforfreedomnow/B.pd/sysiphus.

CCF editorial translated by actforfreedomnow/boubourAs
