Ultima Hora: Mantienen condena de 5 años y 300 días contra el compañero Hans Niemeyer + Fallo


De publicación refractario
Hoy 25 de Septiembre del 2013 la Corte Suprema decidió sobre la revisión que propuso la defensa de la condena. Se rechazo la posibilidad de realizar un nuevo juicio contra Hans quedando firme la sentencia de 5 años + 300 días de prisión.

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Sobre los objetivos y los métodos de la crítica (Willful Disobedience)


El desarrollo de una práctica anarquista coherente basada en nuestro deseo de recuperar nuestras vidas requiere el uso continuo del análisis crítico a todos los niveles. Pero, como con la totalidad de la práctica anarquista, la crítica sólo es útil cuando uno tiene claros los objetivos de la práctica y desarrolla métodos consistentes con estos objetivos. Aquí como en todas las otras áreas de la práctica, nuestros medios tienen que englobar nuestros fines.
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Anarchism and Organization


Errico Malatesta



Organization which is, after all, only the practice of cooperation and solidarity, is a natural and necessary condition of social life; it is an inescapable fact which forces itself on everybody, as much on human society in general as on any group of people who are working towards a common objective. Since humanity neither wishes to, nor can, live in isolation it is inevitable that those people who have neither the means, nor a sufficiently developed social conscience to permit them to associate freely with those of a like mind and with common interests, are subjected to the organization by others, generally constituted in a class or as a ruling group, with the aim of exploiting the labor of others for their personal advantage. And the agelong oppression of the masses by a small privileged group has always been the result of the inability of the oppressed to agree among themselves to organize with others for production, for enjoyment and for the possible needs of defense against whoever might wish to exploit and oppress them. Anarchism exists to remedy this state of affairs …
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