Concerning the arrests of comrades in Nea Philadelphia on 30/4 – Athens


Act for freedom now/boubourAs
On Tuesday around four in the afternoon two anarchists, Giannis Naxakis and Grigoris Sarafoudis are arrested on Dekelias av. coming out of a cafe.

Simultaneously the cops stage a large operation inside the cafe and arrest the two wanted anarchists Argiris Dalios, who tried to break out of the cop line and Fivos Harisis, who had been targeted after the bank robbery in Velvendo Kozani. inside the cafe is also arrested anarchist Dimitris Hadjivasiliadis.
All five were taken to the 12th floor of GADA (athens police hq), to the antiterrorist service. The two comrades who were arrested outside and the two wanted comrades were met with the violence of the state dogs in their offices. The fifth comrade remained standing for twelve hours while tightly cuffed behind the back, something that officially is considered torture. And when he was transferred to the cell (the 12th floor white cells), the cuffs remained in the same position for hours.
The same night the cops put out a report which accused all of them of resisting arrest
(the known cherry on the top charge), false testimony (because all refused to give fingerprints,
photos and dna, which were finally taken violently), and the three not wanted comrades were
charged for harbouring fugitives. On Wednesday they are all transferred to Evelpidon courts, where the media crows are waiting, who get heckled by the comrades.
The comrades appear before the prosecutor and interrogator without any indictments and without being allowed to have an advocate before or to be present in the procedures, something which happens for the first time in recent history. Additionally, they applied the standard right of a two day postponement of their hearing. Dalios, Harisis, Naxakis and Sarafoudis refuse to testify.
Hadjivasiliadis demands to speak immediately, with the presence of an advocate and after his demand gets overlooked he states that already from the moment of his arrest he refuses water and food and that he goes on a hunger and thirst strike for as long as he will be kept in the white cells of the tortures of the antiterrorist force, while he also holds responsible also the judges for his extended detainment on the 12th floor, which helps the attempted cooking of the imprisonment of the three anarchists for which no warrants were outstanding. On Wednesday afternoon the warrants for the two wanted comrades are carried out and they are transferred to Koridallos. On Thursday, through dna “findings”, Dalios, Harisis,
Naxakis and Sarafoudis are loaded with various robberies from the past and warrants come out for the last two by the special appeals prosecutor who handles these cases. The new indictment also appears for all five concerning their arrest in Nea Filadelphia. “criminal organization (i.e. anti-terrorist law) for the carrying out of robberies”, without any evidence of pretreatment or even intention. Only a few orange juices on the table.
In the meanwhile, on Thursday Hadjivasiliadis is under psychological war to stop the strike.

Bottles of water inside the cell, continuous “offers” of food and water, statements
that he will be there for days. After numerous demands of his and a report from
his advocate the cops bring a doctor at night, who assures that the comrade is
in no immediate danger, but also that his situation could change.

And he makes the people guards leave the of the door open so the comrades breathe
is not intensified,..
On Friday morning the five anarchists are transferred to Evelpidon courts again.
There are gathered a few comrades and relatives. The four insist on refusing to testify.
Dalios and Harisis additionally, read a text in solidarity to striker Hadjivasiliadis,
who as they say is being kept without any evidence. Finally, for all are imposed bail conditions,
but not detainment, based on the fact the scenario of the “organization” has no base.

Dimitris Hadjivasiliadis is released and he ends his hunger and thirst strike, after three days.
Argiris Dalios and Fivos Harisis are transferred to Koridallos.

Giannis Naxakis and Grigoris Sarafoudis continue to be held on remand with the new warrants, awaiting new interrogations in Larissa.

P.S. Naxi, until we meet again, keep strong brother. Boubouras/Actforfreedomnow

More updates as they come.