In solidarity with comrade Spyros Stratoulis, on hunger strike since November 11th – Greece


Translated by Actforfee.boubourAs
Solidarity to Spiros Stratoulis on hunger strike since 11/11/2013
Maybe its unexplainable for some, the unfair juridical implication of our fellow prisoner Spiros Stratoulis, who got his leave days regularly and without having violated their terms, suddenly, from a phone tap, lost his right for leave days, which he fought for 21 consecutive years, with tough struggles from inside the walls, struggles given for all of us.
For all of us who can understand, that these struggles inside the prisons are what targeted Spiros and “cut” his leave days, through the grid of a fake indictment set up by some…
He has my direct support in the just struggle he started on Monday 11th November with a hunger strike and I will be with him, until he is justified.
Manolis Karagiannis
prisoner in the 3rd wing of Koridallos prisons