Sabotage Attacks in Wallmapu Unleash Government and Police Hysteria


from Women’s Coordinating Committee for a Free Wallampu

At least three sabotage attacks against the Chilean occupation have occurred in the last week including the arson of a private get-away cottage in Lleu-Lleu; a corporate management house in Vilcun; and a logging encampment in Lumaco. This has unleashed the hysterical reaction of the Chilean government and the police apparatus in the area, as well as the rage of the corporate elite have begun to criticize their own government for the failure of repressive policies against the Mapuche movement.
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Prisoner Support Flyer Updated


by Earth First! Prisoner Support Project

The Earth First! Prisoner Support Project has produced a sparkling new flyer for your info table at your next event. The flyer is a hard copy of the up-to-date list of political prisoners that the EF!PSP supports, which can also be found on the Earth First! Newswire website prisoner pages
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Denuncias hostigamiento y castigos a Emilio Berkhoff por parte de Gendarmería


Familiares de Emilio Berkhoff denuncias seguidillas de hostigamientos hacia Emilio por parte de Gendarmería. Señalan: “Nos parece que esto obedece a una seguidilla de acciones de hostigamiento por parte de Gendarmería al Preso Político Emilio Berkhoff, ya que se han negado constantemente las peticiones hechas de poder extender la visita para facilitar a sus familiares los viajes desde el campo, así como el traslado a la cárcel de Concepción.”

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Al ristorante delle truppe, stasera digestione rovinata!


Continua la campagna di pressione sule truppe disoccupazione della Valle. Dopo aver visitato con cori e striscioni gli alberghi dove dormono comodamente, a tre o quattro stelle, le forze dell’ordine che occupano la Valle, questa sera i notav si sono presentati a cena ad Alpignano al ristorante Il Caminetto, dove uomini e mezzi stazionavano per il ristoro serale. Presidio esterno, striscione che dice “Fuori le truppe dalla Valle” e volantinaggio tra i tavoli.

Buona digestione!
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Segundo comunicado del plantón por la libertad de Mario González y próximas actividades


A casi tres meses de encierro en los centros de exterminio social Reclusorio Oriente y Torre médica del Reclusorio Femenil de Tepepan, nuestro compañero Mario se encuentra recuperándose de una larga huelga de hambre que inició el 8 de octubre y terminó el 3 de diciembre. Las condiciones en las que inicio esta huelga eran sumamente adversas:
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Call-out for NATO 3 Trial Solidarity, January 10–26


*Free the NATO 3! Call-out for Trial Solidarity*
*January 10–26, 2014*

The NATO 3—Brent Betterly, Brian Jacob Church, Jared Chase—are scheduled to go to trial on all 11 of their conspiracy, terrorism, and arson charges on January 6th. Jury selection will begin on the 6th, with the opening statements in the trial expected to begin on the 13th and the trial itself expected to last up to 3 weeks.
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