Greece: Statement by Nikos Romanos at the trial which started on 03/02/2014


The purpose of this statement is to clarify the intentions for you and your court.

The acts, which are not combined with words, in order for their conseptual content to be clear, lead to confusion, while words, which are not followed by actions are empty meanings of a blabbering neutrality.

I stand here as your declared and unrepentant enemy, I do not beg for your lenience, I do not seek to engage in dialogue with you and your peers. My values are at war with yours, so that every phrase I come out with  against you is a razor scoring the masks of your hypocrisy and making clear the position and the role of each of us.

You redact hundreds of pages of files and you constantly form new cases, in order to bury us in the prisons of your democracy, for decades.

You are preparing to impose “special detention conditions” on us, which is the only coup missing from the pantheon of “special treatment” (prison transfers, trials, laws), which you create to fight us.

The simple laws of physics dictate, that reaction is the consequence of action.

Outside this courtroom on free lands, there are rebelious people, comrades for me, terrorists for you, who don’t intend to tolerate our extermination, without making you and your political supervisors bleed first.

You can take this as a threat if you like.

I believe, that this is the cynical reality. Each option has its own cost. I guess, that, as judges and servants of the law, you would agree with me on this.

But let’s take a quick look at your wonderful world. We are in the era of speed. Everything moves quickly, constantly creating states of emergency. The speed of historical time has now derailed, information and news travel in milliseconds, technology and science are advancing with a gigantic pace.

Next to these, the contradictions of modern civilization explode more and more often. Dozens of fires are lite in cities, where everything seemed calm and threaten to sow chaos in the organized order of the system.

Such events create conditions, that serve our purposes. We create bridges of communication with the people behind the barricades so that the acts of violence can become part of a more specific political context, thus opening up the perspective of their crossover in the struggle for anarchist revolution.

There, where rage is combined with conscience.

There, where people, whose guts are burned by the fire of freedom are met.

Somewhere there are the imprints of my insurrection.

Anarchist, because it is hostile against all kinds of authority reproduced by man, constant because it doesn’t seek to reform but to destroy, existencial becuase through insurrection we express all these beautiful feelings we want to spread in the hearts of the insurgents.

Moreover, the quality of life is measured in moments and feelings.

Based on the above schematic description, you should understand, that you have no way to stop the inevitable. The collision of our worlds.

That’s why statements like this have this very purpose, to send a clear message.

You cannot bend us, you cannot stop the coming storm.

These times require contemplation, cautiousness and continuous struggle by all means.

Not a step back!

More violence against State and capital.

Strength to the anarchist urban guerrillas Nikos Maziotis and Pola Roupa, who have a bounty on their heads.

Strength to all comrades, who are in clandestinity.

Stick the bounty money up your ass!


Nikos Romanos 03/02/2014


Note: The trial, which started on 03/02/2014, contains several cases. Nikos Romanos, Giannis Mihailidis and Argiris Dalios are acussed for the case of the two houses in Volos and Kallithea (both hideouts of CCF), Giannis Mihailidis for the gunfight with cops in Pefki (the incident, where Theofilos Mavropoulos was arrested), Grigoris Sarafoudis, Giannis Mihailidis, Dimitris Politis, Argiris Dalios and Fivos Charisis for the robbery at a branch of Agrotiki Bank in Filotas (Florina, northern Greece) and Grigoris Sarafoudis for the robbery at a branch of Agrotiki Bank in Pyrgeto (Larisa, cental Greece). See also here.

Translated by Inter Arma