Pampa Negra: Boletín N° I


  Dejamos a disposición la primera entrega de Pampa Negra, pasquín que reúne las reflexiones del Taller de Verano realizado durante enero del 2014. En este primer número encontrarás: 

·         Matanza en la Plaza Colón: Antofagasta, febrero de 1906. Los anarquistas y la organización obrera en estas tierras.
Por Esprella.

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Comunidad Mateo Ñirripil Autónoma de Lof Muko reafirma proceso territorial y acusa a testigo protegido

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La comunidad Mateo Ñirripil Autónoma de Lof Muko en la comuna de Lautaro. comunica lo que sigue:

El día lunes 3 de marzo se da inicio al juicio oral de los Peñi de Lof muko de Lautaro, en causa de atentado incendiario del fundo Brasil de Vilcún, hecho ocurrido el día 11 de septiembre de 2009.
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NO Pasaran! Antifa demo Bratislava (sk)


The anniversary of the wartime pro-fascist Slovak state is annually celebrated and used by the Slovak nazis to celebrate president Jozef Tiso, who was responsible for the deaths of over 70,000 Jews or political opponents. However, this year the Nazis will not be able to march or cross the streets of our capital! Bratislava will belong to antifascism!
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Euro-nazisti: l’Internazionale nera sfilerà a Roma ·


Crisi ucraina e Italia. Con Forza Nuova Alba Dorata e Svoboda

«L’Europa risorge». La musica ha un tono solenne, le imma­gini molto meno. Una mani­fe­sta­zione di Alba Dorata, una, molto più pic­cola, di Forza Nuova, ban­diere dei neo­fa­lan­gi­sti spa­gnoli di Demo­cra­cia Nacio­nal alter­nate a qual­che croce cel­tica. Primi piani di Roberto Fiore, l’ex di Terza Posi­zione che guida i neo­fa­sci­sti ita­liani, e di Niko­laos Micha­lo­lia­kos, il füh­rer dei neo­na­zi­sti greci in pri­gione in seguito alle inchie­ste sull’assassinio del rap­per anti­fa­sci­sta Pavlos Fys­sas.
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Greece: CCF members attack against witness-prosecutor V. Foukas

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During the 36th session of the trial for the CCF attacks, Vassilis Foukas was among the inculpatory witnesses. Vassilis Foukas was one of the main members (an official) of the judicial mafia. He served as deputy chairman of the Court of Appeal for the 17N case and as an Investigator for the cases of 17N, ELA, 1 May, for the case of Michalis Prekas’ assassination and for the case of the Gyzi armed clash where Christos Tsoutsouvis and 3 cops died.
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Prigionieri – Aggiornamenti su Gianluca e Adriano


riceviamo e diffondiamo:

Nella sua ultima lettera Gianluca, detenuto nella sezione AS2 del carcere di Alessandria, ci informa che è stata fissata al 26 marzo, a Roma, l’udienza preliminare del processo che lo vede imputato assieme ad Adriano, detenuto invece a Ferrara, per 270bis più i reati specifici di incendio, danneggiamento, deturpamento, furto aggravato. La sua intenzione è quella di presenziare all’udienza.
In attesa di aggiornamenti,

Cassa di Solidarietà Aracnide
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Luigi Galleani (1861-1931)



Biography: Luigi Galleani

Luigi Galleani (1861-1931) was a major 20th century anarchist born in Vercelli Italy. Famous internationally, he was a proponent of propaganda by the deed. Galleani became versed in legal and political theory at the University of Turin while acquiring a law degree. As a fervent supporter of Anarchism, he was wanted by the Italian police. Consequently, Galleani fled Turin before completing his degree in 1880. Galleani wound up in France, where he would spend 20 years. He spent a brief period in Switzerland before being deported. Galleani was deported soon after arriving in France, and returned to Italy.
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