Letter by K.Gournas member of the Revolutionary Struggle and D.Koufodinas member of the R.O. 17November concerning the legislation about the prisons – Athens



translated by Act for freedom now!
The legislation for the prisons creates the greek Guantanamo.
Those incarcerated in these special kinds of the prisons:
 -Are deprived of all rights the other prisoners have (days of leave, probation etc.)
 -Have their visitation rights and phone calls minimized (almost eliminated).
 -Remain locked in their cells for up to 23 hours a day.
 A special police force comes into these prisons with classified duties and authorities.

 This asphyxiating regime of detainment reminds us…. of the american Guantanamo. This legislation of Samaras, Dendias and Athanasiou is of fascist inspiration. Its an expression of a state of permanent emergency. It is the equivalent memorandum for the prisoners.
The micro-society of prison would not be unscathed by the full on attack on greek society. The moment that at a global scale neo-liberal capitalism, in order to overcome the crisis steps on decades of vested rights, applies to greek society the most inhuman version of this strategy.
 This strategy leaves no decompression valves, on the contrary it compresses, besides human dignity, every desire for resistance. This logic expresses the legislation for the prisons: it creates the fear of C type prisons. Fear for the prisoners, but also all of the fighting society. First target of the legislation is the isolation of political prisoners. Its prototype is the model structured for those arrested in the summer of 2002 for the 17November.
 Its aim is to legalize and standardize a similar regime of isolation. So the resonance of the political prisoners does not reach the society which seeks anti-systemic directions. However, just like in 2002 the struggles of the prisoners and the solidarity movement subverted these plans, reversing the political isolation, this is what will happen now too.

 We call for all political prisoners, fighting prisoners, the solidarity movement, the fighting society to unite their voice and actions, so this fascist legislation does not pass. This Struggle is a piece of the struggle against the memorandums that destroy all of society.

 P.S. The legislation is applied to the prisons before its even voted in. The cutting of leave days, the closing of every decompression valve, already lead to tragic results: the knife in Malandrino prisons was held by the three who had the inspiration for this legislation.
 Kostas Gournas
Dimitris Koufodinas
