Millenarian Rebels: Prophets and Outlaws


Os Cangaceiros


Translator’s Introduction

It is no surprise that the French group of revolutionary outlaws, Os Cangaceiros, would take an interest in millenarian revolt since their namesakes in Brazil fought side by side with millenarian rebels on more than one occasion. And such an interest is no mere whim. During the Middle Ages, revolt almost always expressed itself in millenarian language in the Western world, and such expressions continued, though increasingly less frequently, into modern times. Thus, those of us who are interested in understanding the ways in which the spirit of revolt develops in individuals and in larger groups of people could perhaps learn something from examining millenarianism in its various forms.
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Comunicado Público de Presos Políticos Mapuche en huelga de hambre

caviahue comunidad mapuche

Cárcel de Angol, a la opinión pública local, nacional e internacional, damos a conocer lo siguiente.

Como Presos Políticos Mapuche, iniciaremos una movilización a contar de este día lunes 7 de abril del 2014 y de carácter indefinido, exigiendo lo siguiente:
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Escapism has its price The artist has his income



« – He’s already two hours late.
– Ah, but you know he’s an artist, and artists…
– Oh that, the artists…
– That’s the way they are, these artists.


It’s difficult not to soften and melt under the charm of artists and to not envy
them in a society founded on forbiddance and the threat of jail. Certain manners of
behaviour which no one else can get away with are permitted to the artist.
Continue reading Escapism has its price The artist has his income

Algunos comunicados contra la represión estatal y roja (paraestatal) mexico


Desde Veracruz y Oaxaca
Comunicado de la Biblioteca Libertaria María Luisa Marín ante las
distintas acciones represivas contra anarquistas y procesos autónomos en
Compartimos el siguiente comunicado que contiene un mensaje solidario para
nuestro compañero Mario González.
Comunicado de la Biblioteca Libertaria María Luisa Marín ante las
distintas acciones represivas contra anarquistas y procesos autónomos en
El día 8 de marzo realizamos en la ciudad de Xalapa, Veracruz una “Velada
libertaria” en solidaridad con lxs compañerxs anarquistas presxs en el
Distrito Federal, nuestra idea fue como siempre, el nunca dejar solx a unx
compañerx que decide poner su vida en conflicto con el sistema. Las

Continue reading Algunos comunicados contra la represión estatal y roja (paraestatal) mexico