
a contribution to the topic of the theory of the practice of Sabotage

Who will revive the violent whirlpools of flame if not us
and those that we consider brothers?
Come! New friends: this will please you.
We will never work, oh tides of flame!
This world will explode.
It’s the true path. Forward, on the march.
—A. Rimbaud
The spread of sabotage, its increasing practice, on a greater or lesser scale, far and wide against the domination of the market is a given fact. Burning ATM booths, disabling locks at shopping centers, smashing shop windows, setting fire to the offices of temp agencies and employment offices, the sabotage of the infrastructure of capitalism (high-speed railroads, dams, expressways, construction projects) … are offensive practices against the colonization of our lives by the most advanced form of colonialism – the integrated spectacle.

Carcere – Sui presidi e la resistenza nelle galere di Piacenza e Cremona [audio] e Roma


da Bello Come una Prigione che Brucia – trasmissione anticarceraria di RBO

Sabato 5 aprile 2014 è stata la prima giornata della mobilitazione anticarceraria indetta dal Coordinamento dei Detenuti. Tra le diverse iniziative organizzate a livello nazionale riportiamo una diretta realizzata sulle libere frequenze di Radio Blackout sui presidi tenuti sotto le galere di Piacenza e Cremona. Un’occasione per diffondere alcune testimonianze gridate dai prigionieri sulla rivolta nella sezione di isolamento e sulla rappresaglia degli aguzzini nel carcere piacentino.

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Émile Henry’s Defense & Émile Henry Letter to the Director of the Conciergerie


It is not a defence that I present to you. I am not in any way seeking to escape the reprisals of the society I have attacked. Besides, I acknowledge only one tribunal — myself, and the verdict of any other is meaningless to me. I wish merely to give you an explanantion of my acts and to tell you how I was led to perform them.
I have been an anarchist for only a short time. It was as recently as the middle of the year 1891 that I entered the revolutionary movement. Up to that time, I had lived in circles entirely imbued with current morality. I had been accustomed to respect and even to love the principles of fatherland and family, of authority and property.
Continue reading Émile Henry’s Defense & Émile Henry Letter to the Director of the Conciergerie

Anarchistische Gruppe Neukolln (de)


Wie gewohnt, erwarten euch auch im April unsere regelmäßigen Tresen- und Vokütermine: Am 11.04 unser Friedel-Tresen ganz unter dem Zeichen des TattooCircus, am 15.04 unsere Vokü in den selben Hallen mit dem Dokufilm “A punk singer”, sowie am 25.04 unser Tresen in der Braunschweigerstr. 53-55 mit einem Soliabend für die Antirepressionsdemo vom 22.März.

Dazu empfehlen wir euch wärmstens die Infoveranstaltung von ABC-Belarus am 01. April in der B-Lage, einen Stop der crimethInc-Infotour am 17. April in der Braunschweigerstraße, sowie die Friedel-Soliparty am 26. April im Syndikat.

Im Folgenden findet ihr Details zu allen Veranstaltungen:

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