Βόλος : Παρασκευή 04/04, 19:00 – Πορεία ενάντια στις φυλακές υψίστης ασφαλείας


Aπό τις τρομοεισβολές σε δεκάδες σπίτια συντρόφων μέχρι την στρατηγική ανοικοδόμησης κολαστηρίων υψίστης ασφαλείας, η κυριαρχία ξεκινά την ολοκληρωτική απέλασή της.

Nα σταθούμε εμπόδιο στο κράτος, αλληλέγγυες/οι στους φυλακισμένους, να γκρεμίσουμε κάθε φυλακή.

Πορεία 04/04/2014 19:00 Άγιος Νικόλαος

Εκδήλωση-Συζήτηση 05/04/2014 19:00 Θόλος (πανεπιστήμιο)

Αναδημοσίευση από : kinimatorama.net

A Critique, Not a Program: For a Non-Primitivist Anti-Civilization Critique


Wolfi Landstreicher

So the anarchist individualist as I mean it has nothing to wait for […] I already considered myself an anarchist and could not wait for the collective revolution to rebel myself or for communism to obtain my freedom.

— Renzo Novatore

I conceive of anarchism from the side of destruction. This is what its aristocratic logic consists of. Destruction! here is the real beauty of anarchism. I want to destroy all the things that enslave me, enervate me, and repress my desires, I want to leave them all behind me as corpses. Remorse, scruples, conscience are things that my iconoclastic spirit destroyed […] Yes, iconoclastic negation is most practical.
Continue reading A Critique, Not a Program: For a Non-Primitivist Anti-Civilization Critique

Brochure : Jusqu’à détruire la dernière des cages



Recueil de textes en solidarité et des lettres des compagnons incarcérés en Espagne suite à l’attaque le 2 octobre 2012 contre la basilique del Pilar de Saragosse, Mónica Caballero et Francisco Solar.

On peut la télécharger ci-dessous en PDF (clic droit sur la couv + enregistrer la cible sous..). Il s’agit d’une traduction de la brochure espagnole “Hasta Destruir la última de las jaulas“, parue sur Contrainfo le 2 mars 2014.

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Base de données anarchistes

Greek prisons are boiling…(en/it/fr/gr)


On March 24th, 2014, prisoners across Greece announced mobilizations to protest ever-stricter detention conditions, demanding that the government’s draft law for maximum security prisons be withdrawn. According to this new bill, “dangerous” inmates sent to the type C units will not be granted prison furloughs and will have substantially restricted visitation rights.
Continue reading Greek prisons are boiling…(en/it/fr/gr)

Lo Sgombero Non E’ Un Pesce D’Aprile. Atlantide E’ Uno Spazio Comune, Non (Del) Comune (di Atlantide R-esiste)


Subversive disassociation – Fragment against civil anarchism (en/gr)


The critique of ‘civil anarchism’, that has been put forward in a few fleeting texts by the nihilist-egoist comrades of Dark Matter Publications(1) and in an article by Venona Q, Scandalous Thoughts(2) has revitalised a needed rebuke against a typically British (but not only) line of thought. The critique hasn’t yet aimed to be comprehensive or even far-reaching, as it consists of only a few sketches, but it has hit a nerve. For the best part of a decade civil  anarchism in Britain has been perfecting its theoretical denunciations unchallenged, so it is refreshing to see it being taken to task. This fragment is meant to be another contribution to refresh
this critique of ‘civil anarchism’ with some of my thoughts.

Continue reading Subversive disassociation – Fragment against civil anarchism (en/gr)

Milano | Torino | Bologna | Livorno – Sgomberate diverse occupazioni


Sono passate da poco le 9 del mattino quando in via Cuneo compaiono le camionette. A quest’ora nella nuova casa occupata al civico 45 c’è poca gente, giacché gli abitanti sono in giro – chi ad accompagnare i bambini a scuola, chi dal dottore, chi per altre iniziative o impegni – e la polizia ne approfitta per iniziare l’assedio. I poliziotti in borghese passano subito dal tetto, neutralizzando ogni possibilità di resistenza, e da lì poi scendono a sfondare le porte degli appartamenti. La sproporzione numerica è enorme: a chiudere le vie intorno alla casa ci sono una decina di camionette, oltre al solito codazzo di agenti della Digos, funzionari e pezzi grossi del locale Commissariato.
Continue reading Milano | Torino | Bologna | Livorno – Sgomberate diverse occupazioni