Sydney : 3 Luxury Cars Torched By FAI/IRF (Australia) en/it


n the early hours of Sunday, May 18 we went for a walk through the streets of the predominantly rich Sydney neighborhood of Woolahra looking for suitable targets for us to express our rage upon.

It didn’t take long for us to find what we were looking for!

We set fire to 3 luxury cars – a BMW and a Nissan X-Trail on Queen St and a Lexus on Moncur St.

We left the scene quickly as the flames of rebellion lit up the early morning sky.

We dedicate this action to our comrades from the Fire Wolves Cell & also the
Felicity Ann Ryder Cell in Melbourne, to all FAI / IRF fighters everywhere & to all imprisoned anarchist & insurrectionist fighters fighting for dignity behind the walls of injustice everywhere!

For The Total Destruction Of All Existence!

Anarcho Wildlings Cell / Informal Anarchist Federation (FAI) / International Revolutionary Front (IRF)

Corporate press


Melbourne : Historic Colonial Buildings Torched (Australia)

This is to claim responsibility for the complete destruction by fire of three colonial structures at the so-called Royal Botanical Gardens in South Yarra, Melbourne in the small hours of May 16.

We put these filthy monuments of colonial oppression to the torch in the name of indigenous & anti-colonial resistance both here in Australia & in all other parts of the world & to spit in the faces of all those who seek to tame what is wild into sterile botanical prisons.

We also send greetings of fire & smoke to imprisoned resistance fighters everywhere!

Fire Wolves Cell / International Revolutionary Front

Scum Press :

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Testo rivendicativo:

Nelle prime ore di domenica 18 Maggio abbiamo fatto un giro per le strade di Woolahra, quartiere molto ricco di Sidney, alla ricerca di obiettivi adatti per esprimere la nostra rabbia.

Non c’è voluto molto per trovare ciò che stavamo cercando!

Abbiamo bruciato tre auto di lusso – una Bmw e una Nissan X-Trail in Queen St e una Lexus in Moncur St.

Dedichiamo questa azione ai nostri compagni della Cellula Fire Wolves e anche alla Cellula Felicity Ann Ryder a Melbourne, a tutti i combattenti della FAI/FRI ovunque e a tutti gli anarchici e i combattenti insurrezionalisti prigionieri che lottano con dignità dietro le sbarre dell’ingiustizia in ogni luogo!

Per la Totale Distruzione di Ogni Esistenza!
Anarcho Wildings Cell / Federazione Anarchica Informale (FAI) / Fronte Rivoluzionario Internazionale (FRI)

