Nazis Attack City Hall in Dortmund, Germany


Nazi Timo Ewers attacking Dortmund City Hall with pepperspray

Last night, over 30 nazis attacked City Hall in Dortmund after the national socialist Party “Die Rechte” won a seat in local elections. 10 people were injured, including the Pirate Party candidate. Nazis chanted “Germany for the Germans! Foreigners out!” as they attacked the crowd with pepper spray and glass bottles, and several people sustained injuries. Predictably, the police showed up way too late and escorted the nazis home. Not a single nazi was arrested.


Lukas Bals (wearing a yellow t-shirt with a bottle in his hand) tried to stab an antifascist a few years ago.
The nazis used this photo to announce their attack from their FB page last night. The text reads “With one strike into city hall.” Borchardt is the one who won a seat in the city council and was present during the attack.

Local Antifascists have identified almost all of the nazis who were attacking city-hall last night. One of them is Sven Khali who murdered antifa activst Thomas “Schmuddel” Schulz in 2005. Many others are also militants of a neo-nazi organisation which was banned 2 years ago after cops found explosives and automatic rifles during a series of raids across the state of Nordrhein Westphalia. The national-socialist Party “Die Rechte” was founded after these groups were banned and is their follow-up organisation.


Martin Penic, Timo Ewers (with pepperspray) and Bastian Burchert


Daniel Grebe candidate for neo-nazi party “Die Rechte” in the Scharnhorst district in Dortmund (the one with the beard and the bottle).



Alexander Deptolla, Christoph Drewer, Christian Meyer, Matthias Deyda, Patrick Brdonkalla and other neo nazis during yesterdays attack.


The one with the bottle at the right is Lukas Bals, who attempted to murder an antifa activist a few years ago.
On Wednesday there will be an Antifa demo in Dortmund that people will be able to get live updates for via @enough14 and @newsrevo on twitter. Antifascists have also announced that they will block the nazi candidates from entering city hall as the first new city council comes together after the election.

Details: Antifa Demo starts at 18:00 (06:00pm) local time on Wednesday May 28. Starting point City Hall, Dortmund demo heads to the house of Siegfried Borchardt ( Nickname “SS Sigi” )


Election poster of the national-socialist party “Die Rechte” from this sundays local elections. Text reads: “We not only hang posters!”


Pic of Siegfried Borchardt (Nick name: “”SS-Siggi”!!!!)