Update about the second hearing of the trial against Gianluca and Adriano (Italy)


via fenrir:

On the 4th of July in the court of Roma (Italy) the second hearing of the trial against Gianluca and Adriano was held. Even though it was supposed to be with closed doors, a group of comrades managed to enter the courtroom in a moment of distraction of the security guards, in the initial bureaucratic phase of the hearing. They shouted strongly their rage against a proceeding which occurs in the complete absence of the accused. After some minutes they were jostled outside of the courtroom by the Carabineros [military police], while the judge pretended not to even notice what was going on.

We remember that the judge D’Alessandro, accepting the request from the prosecutor, decided that the trial was to be held on videoconference; both Gianluca and Adriano decided not to attend the show-trial, refusing to appear through a screen.

The prosecutor Minisci, already known by the comrades since he’s the same prosecutor in the case for the riots of 15th of October 2011 in Rome, to
reinforce the charges of 270 and 270bis (association for the purposes of terrorism) quoted also some actions that happened outside of Italy, with the aim of inventing some fictional international subversive association. He closed his speech with his request of sentence against the comrades:

– 8 years for Adriano
– 9 years for Gianluca

Next hearing will be on the 18th of July for the speech of Adriano’s defence lawyer and probably for the sentence.

Solidarity with the accused comrades!