Italy – 3rd July 2014: solidarity with the comrades on trial following the clashes of 15th October 2011 in Rome


Translated by act for freedom now

On 14th April 2013 investigating judge Amoroso put 15 people on trial on charges of devastation and plunder and 3 on charges of attempted murder following the day of struggleof 15th October 2011 in Rome.  

Since then, an important trajectory of struggle and solidarity has been going through the city of Rome and many other Italian cities. Each hearing has been accompanied with demos outside courts and comrades in solidarity showing up in courtrooms. A defence committee was formed in order to respond firmly to the machine war set up by prosecutors, Digos, ROS, public and private companies and the Ministries of Defence and Finance, which are civil parties against the demonstrators on trial.

A solidarity fund was also formed to meet all legal expenses and to support the comrades in prison or under house arrest. In other words, we have been working to create a wide network of solidarity with the comrades on trial.

But what has been done so far is not enough in the face of a trial which for a year has been showing the political will of the State, and in particular of prosecutors from Rome, to take revenge on those who rebelled on that day and those who will rebel in the future outside the conventional scheme of permitted dissent.

Our commitment has been important but not sufficient: we feel the urge to continue and possibly widen this trajectory, so that the solidarity network can involve all comrades who want to express real solidarity, not simply a digital one made up of communiqués that aren’t worth much. A coordination of individuals and collective situations that can effectively face, on a material and political level, the next steps concerning the 15th October trial and not only.

The judiciary and police’s fury striking all forms of conflict must be stopped. It requires an adequate and firm response.

On Thursday 3rd July another hearing – the second last before the summer break – will be held at the court in Rome, in anticipation of the sentence due by the end of the year.

We invite all to show up in the courtroom and reconfirm our unconditional solidarity and complicity.

 Palazzina C, Piano Terra, Aula IX at 9am

Freedom for all!