Spain – Terrorism charges confirmed against anarchist comrades Monica and Francisco


Translated by act for freedom now
On Friday 4th July it was finally decided that Monica Caballero and Francisco Solar will go on trial on charges of terrorism. According to the judge, the police and the press, which work together in this case, the two comrades ‘are linked to the FAI/FRI, a terrorist international organization based on insurrectional anarchist ideology’. The recourse to this acronym, which has nothing to do with the claim of the attack, is obviously being used to justify the trial for terrorism, given that the EU included it in its list of terrorist organizations.

Still according to the press and to police and judicial reports, ‘both defendants presumably belong to the Grupos Anarquistas Coordinados (GAC) within the organization FAI/FRI’. The press, and in some cases even the ‘alternative’ press, never stopped mentioning the link with the FAI/FRI, even if this is only police’s fantasy.
‘An independent superstructure made up of violent groups like those of the Islamic jihad’, Periódico de Aragón reported.
The other comrades accused in this case were acquitted.
Monica and Francisco are doing well, and everybody knew that terrorism charges would be confirmed, even if the press boasts of something innovative.   Basically judge Velasco has acknowledged the police’s theory in order to put the comrades on trial.
We know that the two comrades were glad that the other comrades accused in the case were acquitted.
We send warm hugs and encouragements to Monica and Cariñoso (Francisco).
Solidarity is stronger than their prison bars!
To write to the comrades:
Mónica Andrea Caballero Sepúlveda
Ávila-Prisión Provincial
Ctra. de Vicolozano s/n Apdo. 206
05194 Brieva (Ávila)
Francisco Javier Solar Domínguez
C.P. de Villabona Finca Tabladiello
33480 Villabona-Llanera (Asturias)