In the last weeks many of us had to face a lot of police violence. Some of us got broken hands and others broken legs and even some got hurt their heads. You can see that with your own eyes and you can hear of them how it happened. Continue reading Demonstration today, 5. september→
Questa notte i No Tav sono tornati in Clarea, ne danno notizia le maggiori testate locali che già da ieri sera forniscono ricostruzioni discordanti e a tratti fantasiose.
Ciò che si apprende però è che decine di No Tav, almeno una cinquantina, hanno colto di sorpresa il sistema di sicurezza del cantiere, danneggiandolo in più punti e riuscendo a farvi ingresso. Continue reading Nella notte attacco al cantiere Tav!→
A night in Bagcılar… we were at the foot of the Beast
Even though, the deepest darkness of the night is thought to hide all of this system’s infamies, it also becomes accomplice to some furious hookers who want to destroy this shit before the dawn. Although street lights, shop lights, surveillance cameras and MOBESEs sure- the eyes and ears of the State- prowl to betray us by giving a feeling like we’re under the surveillance of a rapist, this can not prevent us from transforming our rage against this rotten system to action by coalescing with shadows which remain for us from the night. Continue reading Istanbul: Construction machine sabotaged by ‘FAI/IRF Furious Hookers Militia’ (Turkey)→
La madrugada del 13 de Noviembre 2013 fueron secuestradxs de su piso en el barrio barcelonés del Carmelo 4 compañerxs y una quinta compañera de su casa en St. Andreu, por orden del juez Velasco de la Audiencia Nacional acusandoles de formar “parte” del “Comando Mateo Morral” cual “atentó” en Febrero y Octubre del año pasado contra unos templos de la religión catolica en Madrid y Zaragoza, respetivamente. Continue reading LA RABIA QUE ROMPE EL SILENCIO→
De gemeente Den Haag wil vrijplaats De Vloek in januari 2015 ontruimen en slopen omdat er een zeilcentrum moet komen. Plek voor Topzeilsport is er in de haven echter al genoeg maar toch moet De Vloek wijken voor het zoveelste prestige project waar niemand op zit te wachten. De Vloek moet blijven!