Letter by Adriano Antonacci about ‘citizenism’ and other topics (Italy)


Contribution of Adriano from the prison of Ferrara: “A sad circus. Vote for Gianluca and Adriano!”

Contribution to the Croce Nera Anarchica bulletin # 1 – September 2014

With the usual unpromptness caused by the imprisonment, I came to know about the spreading of a public plea aiming at collecting signatures in support of Gianluca and myself. In the beginning I understood it was a proposal for a referendum. A referendum about the “right to resistance” or even the “legitimate sabotage” and I said to myself: if they will reach the quorum, what will ever happen? What will we do? Will we all be “immediately free”? Will we all attack together the existing order?

I had the blurry feeling of being kidnapped by the state and right in the middle of a trial, instead I find myself co-candidate and in full electoral campaign. I had a bit of a headache.

Dear comrades, it’s hot and this sickening vacation doesn’t allow any relief valve, let me then waste a bit of ink to write some obvious things concerning this sad circus and I recommend, vote for us!

With this letter I don’t want to express resentment towards those who promoted this initiative, I wouldn’t dream of it! I can say I have appreciated it from a human point of view but, given my disagreement, on every perspective of it, I think it’s important to reply.

I don’t want to give excessive weight to this thing, but neither to allow political artificialities to absorb the reasons of the struggle. I don’t like politics, not even in its antagonist meaning, it’s not part of me. The plague of citizenism is always lurking and shows a very sad and hegemonic absorbing voracity.

It is essential to extrapolate certain positions from an anti-authoritarian and anarchist tension. Decontextualizing means to deprive of sense and spirit the tension itself, it erases its essence, practically it thwarts it. I unconditionally refuse the search for social approval irrespective of the context in which it shows itself. Why should I fucking care about the slick support of civil society? Society represents my existencial indigestion, the cocoon-like prison of the oppressed.

I also find it not proper, and pathetic, to take advantage of Leftist about-faces to raise the issue in a totally misleading way, silencing and obscuring all that we have expressed, with the aim of making everything more accessible, sharable and to better show off in front of the unaware citizen moved to pity; even degenerating in explicitly “hanging judge” and pro-justice discourses that I will avoid to comment.

It is clear that cops and prosecutors use as a pretext and with imaginative delirium the “aim of terrorism/subversion” and the associative crimes, I don’t understand why being surprised, our “beautiful country” has always been ground-breaking in this. The repressive laws are ever-changing and follow the logic of social scaremongering, dictated not only by the concreteness of the events but also by the conjectures on them, therefore by political and media spectacularization, so that in the name of some emergency they can always put up some new or old “security special law”.

The juridical stretching, the inapplicable codes, compose the arsenal of the state.
No matter how aberrant we find it, it is obvious that the power uses them against all those who don’t turn the other cheek in front of violence, against whom in a creative-destructive tension is naturally hostile to the law and dreams of a totally different world.

It is essential not to keep the lid on the filthy stigmatization of the very reasons of the struggle, this doesn’t mean to result in victim complex, or to create martyrs, sacrificial lambs or to look for a ultra-cross and extraneous solidarity, it means something different. What is the sense of talking about the “right of resistance” and what is the meaning of combining these two words? It is mere politics, it is a rhetorical abuse, it is a concept with no sense except to deeply harm certain ideas and resulting practices. It’s a matter of prospects. No whine will ever break any chain!

Adriano Antonacci
