Greece: Incendiary attack against Kesariani city hall and vehicles owned by ELTA and DEI (Athens, 09/12/2014) en/gr

Anarchist comrade Nikos Romanos went on a hunger strike on 10/11, demanding the educational prison leaves he is entitled to by the laws of the system. As a sign of active solidarity, comrades Giannis MIhailidis (17/11), Andreas – Dimitris Bourzoukos (01/12), Dimitris Politis (01/12) and Ilias Karadouman went also on hungerstrike.

Nikos Romanos chose to use an extreme means of struggle by putting his own body as a barricade and his uncompromising will and desire for a breath of freedom outside the exterminating condition of imprisonment as a mound. It goes without saying, that we stand by him with actions and support his struggle to the end with every possible means, since we also reconize the totalitarian and vindictive conditions that give birth to and reproduce prison brothels.
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December 10, 2014.- uk

As of today 10/12/14, anarchist Nikos Romanos is intensifying his struggle by going on a thirst strike as well as insisting on his demands.
“His life is now hanging by a thread” stated the cardiologist, adding that: “His organism is weakened and dehydrated. If this continues, there will be limited functioning of his organs and he is in immediate danger of multi-organ failure”.
The doctors are being pressured to carry out force-feeding but they are resisting and fighting in order to comply with medical ethics. Romanos has won.
It does not matter what will follow, how far he can go, if he will live or die. I do not feel sorry for him, even if he dies I will not feel sorry for him…
I respect him.
If I was in a battle I would like to have him by my side, not my enemy.

Continue reading December 10, 2014.- uk

Anti-Islamophobia Conference Update

Apparently, UoL Security can deal with this...


There has been some highly suspicious goings-on at Birkbeck University, original venue for the Islamic Human Rights Commission’s conference on Institutional Islamophobia. After a small scale threat by far-right groupsCasuals United and Britain First, Birkbeck College have decided not to host the event, necessitating a last minute change of venue. Officials from Birkbeck have cited their inability to organise security for the event, a claim which does not stand up to scrutiny when you consider that in the past, the University of London have hosted some very controversial events, that have led to large protests. In 2011, they hosted Ian Blair, ex-Met Police commissioner. This led to large and rowdy student protests but the talk went ahead. As recently as May this year, they hosted David Willetts, universities minister. The university somehow found enough security to host that talk, despite further rowdy protests. This time, however, it appears the threat of a dozen or so far right misfits has the entire university security apparatus, which has in the past dealt with occupations and demonstrations of several thousand people, utterly stumped.
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Declaración política de Pola Rupa en el juzgado especial de la prisión de Koridalós el 29/01/2013


Autorizo a mi abogado defensor Dafni Bagianou a leer lo siguiente, durante la etapa del procedimiento oral en el cual se solicita la declaración de los acusados en el juzgado especial de la prisión de Koridalós, el cual ha sido encomendado para juzgar el caso de la organización Lucha Revolucionaria.

Este texto no constituye una declaración de disculpa. No siento ni he sentido nunca que tenga que rendir cuentas por mis elecciones políticas ante ningún representante del poder. Lo único que puede juzgar mi acción y mis elecciones es la historia revolucionaria y sus portadores. Como revolucionaria consideré siempre y considero como mi deber y a la vez mi derecho intransferible el defender mis elecciones políticas. Es más, es un placer para mí el defender públicamente y sin tener en cuenta el coste político, las elecciones de lucha que constituyen un importante ejemplo de acción política en base a mi profunda convicción. Y un ejemplo tal fue la organización Lucha Revolucionaria, en la cual tuve el honor de participar. La organización Lucha Revolucionaria, cuya participación en la misma defendí con placer tras mi detención, fue un componente importante de la amplia lucha subversiva y su presencia en la escena política revolucionaria constituyó y constituye –de esto estar seguros– un punto decisivo para muchos luchadores. Algunas de las acciones de la organización constituyeron hechos muy importantes de la historia revolucionaria contemporánea y de esta forma permanecerán grabadas en la memoria de muchos hombres. No son pocos aquellos que las recuerdan con frecuencia, como nosotros mismos hemos corroborado desde el momento en el que fuimos excarcelados, debido a que se superó el tiempo establecido de prisión preventiva. También lo hemos corroborado durante las movilizaciones del último año. Esto sucede porque se hace perceptible para muchos la falta de una acción armada revolucionaria de este tipo en la época que vivimos. Época que como todos los explotados pueden corroborar hoy, constituye el periodo más oscuro para nuestro país y también para todo el mundo. Época, en la que cada vez más [personas] perciben que sólo formas de lucha y soluciones radicales y subversivas conseguirán sacar a la sociedad y al país del precipicio al que nos ha lanzado la economía supranacional y el poder político así como sus sirvientes subordinados, como son los gobiernos griegos y los políticos del régimen que participan en el parlamento.

Continue reading Declaración política de Pola Rupa en el juzgado especial de la prisión de Koridalós el 29/01/2013

Political statement of the anarchist Rami Syrianos on his trial – 2012


The text below is a political statement made by the anarchist Rami Syrianos during his trial on May 2012, for the expropriation of ODDY (a state structure responsible for organizing auctions of confiscated cars) on January 2011 in Thessaloniki. Τhe statement first appeared in the “Demolish the Bastille” zine (December 2012), published by the Solidarity fund for imprisoned and persecuted fighters. The comrade was condemned to 8 years and 8 motnhs, a penalty that he serves actually in the prison of Larisa.
Continue reading Political statement of the anarchist Rami Syrianos on his trial – 2012

The ‘apology’ of Giannis Dimitrakis in his second degree trial for the bank robbery of January 2006

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Jacques Verges, in his book “The strategy of trial” says: “In any case, it is a fact that every trial hides a political conflict and that justice is steadily full armed to defend the status quo”. A view that reflects with high definition a reality that gets imprinted infinitely on the map of human societies that were organized on the basis of systems which had inequality, un-rightfulness, forcing and exploitation as fundamental elements of their function.

The historical contribution of the judicial system, as it has been implied through the centuries, was nothing more than the imposition of the interests of the class-in-power upon society, by more ‘gentrificated’ means. Michel Foucault in the book ‘On the popular justice and the trials” similarly records that ‘the penal system, of which the function during the middle ages was basically financial, for a special period, was organized within the hard effort to repress the  insurrections. Up to that point, the job of repressing popular uprisings was primarily military. Ever since it ensures it, or better, it prevents it, a complex system of justice-police-jail. Its role is to force people accept their situation as proletariat and the terms for the exploitation of the proletariat”.
Continue reading The ‘apology’ of Giannis Dimitrakis in his second degree trial for the bank robbery of January 2006

Prigionieri No Tav – Aggiornamento su Francesco, Lucio e Graziano


Il 9 dicembre 2013 Claudio, Chiara, Mattia e Niccolò vengono arrestati con l’accusa di terrorismo per il sabotaggio del compressore del cantiere del TAV a Chiomonte nella notte tra il 13 e il 14 maggio.

Il 9 dicembre 2014, un anno dopo, la procura di Torino, amante delle ricorrenze, rincara la dose e ribadisce il proprio teorema. Anche per Lucio, Francesco e Graziano, arrestati l’11 luglio, sempre in merito allo stesso episodio di maggio, inizialmente con le accuse di “danneggiamento a mezzo di incendio, violenza contro pubblico ufficiale, detenzione e trasporto di armi da guerra”, vengono applicate le misure cautelari per i reati di terrorismo (artt.280, 280 bis, 270 sexies c.p.). Le loro celle sono state perquisite, con sequestro della corrispondenza che sino ad ora avevano avuto.
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Calais: semaine d’échanges de savoirs et de préparation de la manifestation du 18 décembre “contre le mur de la honte”


Ici sur le littoral du nord de la France et dans ses terres la bidonvillisation, la violence fait partie des modes opératoires de l’État en réponse aux personnes voyageant avec ou sans documents officiellement reconnus par l’état français. A calais elles sont entre 2000 et 2500.
Continue reading Calais: semaine d’échanges de savoirs et de préparation de la manifestation du 18 décembre “contre le mur de la honte”