Due giorni per i 23 anni di autogestione di Torre Maura Occupata (Roma)


1992 – 2015
Torre Maura Occupata via delle Averle 10
23 anni di autogestione per l’ anarchia

Dal profondo de ‘sto bucio de culo der mondo…

venerdì 30 Gennaio
ore 18
presentazione del libro ” Gli ammutinati delle trincee” edito da Bfs edizioni
incontro con l’autore Marco Rossi
Continue reading Due giorni per i 23 anni di autogestione di Torre Maura Occupata (Roma)

Greece: Text by Nikos Romanos that was read during a solidarity event by VOX squat (09-01-2015)

Good evening comrades.

I am glad to be here with you today in this event that takes place in particularly difficult times especially for political prisoners who are targeted by repression. It has been said many times but it’s worth to say it again that such events are some of the very few beautiful moments for those in captivity because they feel that even for a few hours they are connected with their comrades outside the walls in a vibrant conversation that brakies the isolation imposed on us by the state. This is why I want to thank all the comrades who contributed in making this event happen. I also want to send my solidarity to the people arrested from Distomo [1].
Continue reading Greece: Text by Nikos Romanos that was read during a solidarity event by VOX squat (09-01-2015)

Pike en solidaridad con lxs detenidxs tras la “Operación Pandora”.


Desde Raíces fm, radio comunitaria de Maldonado, Uruguay, decidimos realizar este pike informativo-solidario con lxs compañerxs detenidxs tras la llamada “Operación Pandora”.

Ante hechos de represión y persecución no podemos quedarnos impávidxs, sean en la región que sean!
Continue reading Pike en solidaridad con lxs detenidxs tras la “Operación Pandora”.

Greece: On the occasion of the upcoming festival of Democracy…


Go on! Go on, you men of the crowd! Go on, voters! To the polls…and stop complaining. It’s enough. Don’t try to inspire pity because of the fate you imposed upon yourselves. Afterwards don’t insult the Masters that you gave yourselves.

The voter is nothing but a failed candidate.

The people at the bottom — with small savings and small hopes, rapacious small merchants, slow-moving domestic folk — need a mediocre parliament that will bring together and make money from all that is vile in the nation.
Continue reading Greece: On the occasion of the upcoming festival of Democracy…

Roma. Dopo 14 giorni di occupazione, sgomberata l’anagrafe #noart5 #31G


h 13 conferenza stampa in via Petroselli

All’alba del 14° giorno di occupazione dell’anagrafe centrale di via Petroselli da parte dei movimenti per il diritto all’abitare, un ingente spiegamento di forze dell’ordine ha sgomberato con decisione le famiglie presenti.
Continue reading Roma. Dopo 14 giorni di occupazione, sgomberata l’anagrafe #noart5 #31G

La Biblioteca Social de Badalona


La Biblioteca Social de Badalona és un projecte vinculat als moviments socials de la ciutat que funciona de manera autogestionària, és a dir, a partir de donacions i de les quotes de les seves associades, per tal de configurar un oferta cultural crítica enfocada a la transformació social.

A més, d’obrir noves formes de relació en els espais de lectura, apostant per l’horitzontalitat i l’aprenentatge mutu. Tanmateix volem incentivar la biblioteca coma a espai de socialització entre les perones interessades amb la cultura.

                                                 Més llibres, més lliures!


Teano: presidio antifascista contro Forza Nuova in risposta all’aggressione squadrista di Cremona


Oggi gli antifascisti di Terra di Lavoro si sono dati appuntamento a Teano in piazza Umberto I per un presidio in seguito ai fatti accaduti a Cremona negli scorsi giorni: Emilio, un nostro compagno del csa Dordoni, dopo l’aggressione del 18 gennaio da parte di circa sessanta fascisti (quasi tutti membri di CasaPound) è ancora in prognosi riservata.
Continue reading Teano: presidio antifascista contro Forza Nuova in risposta all’aggressione squadrista di Cremona