Messages from anarchist comrades fighting in Kobane


Via 325 (slightly adapted for English).

Sosyal Isyan (Social Rebellion) is an anarchist group active in Istanbul that has declared solidarity with the revolution in Rojava (Syrian Kurdistan) and gone to the region to support in the fighting and reconstruction of Kobane.  The group has joined up with Birleşik Özgürlük Güçleri (BOG)(United Freedom Forces), a broad grouping of communist and other revolutionary guerillas who have joined the struggle in Rojava. They include green anarchists, ecologists and communists from various countries.

The comrades have issued a number of short interviews calling for the support of anarchist revolutionaries. Spanish warrior Şerwani read a collective statement about the internationalist struggle and solidarity as an expression of the revolution:

We have established ties in the Kobani resistance, to gain victory and then continue to pursue our activities in enlarging Kobani. The United Liberation Forces have began working for the construction of communal life in Kobani, as well as defending the revolution. … Libertarian, ecologist, anti-capitalist, all the forces of their colors, bringing us together while preserving each their own self-organization in their own language, and fight against the capitalist system that is hostile to nature. Solidarity is essential and decisive in Kobani, to this end and to be in a persistent struggle to take part in the rebellion, we mobilize all our strength, we decided to go forward.

Organize! Armed! Revolution!

-Sosyal Savas

See also this short video statement (on youtube) in English:

Sozyal Isyan facebook page.

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