Confront Pegida, Confront Islamophobia – Newcastle counter demo.


PEGIDA represent nothing more than the energies of the disparate and desperate racist and fascist splinter groups for something more – there is no fascist movement and so they are clinging onto a European myth, a German one at that, in their desperate attempt to get anybody to pay them attention.

Let’s think about this, fascists are welcoming German fascists into Newcastle – whatever happened to their Eurosceptic ideas? Did our grandparents welcome the Nazis? We think not. They shot them.

The North East Anti Fascists are clear that this ‘Pegida’ march, ran by the usual ragbag of racists and fascists is intended only to stir up racism and division, undermine community cohesion and the effect will be to tarnish Newcastle in the eyes of many in the UK and around the world. We believe Pegida must be stopped from spreading their message of racist hate and intolerance and from getting a toe-hold in Newcastle and the UK.

If Pegida’s march goes ahead the North East Anti Fascists are committed to organising a lively and fun counter demonstration that will involve many people.