5E: Amelie, Carlos and Fallon absolved of their Federal charges


Exciting news from Mexico! According to Regeneración Radio our comrades Amelie, Carlos and Fallon, currently locked up in Mexico, have been absolved of their federal charges relating to a Molotov cocktail attack against a government building in Mexico City in 2014. Here’s my rough translation:

“We have been informed at the last moment, by one of the lawyers of our comrades Amelie Trudeau, Fallon Roullier y Carlos López Marin (accused on the 5th of January 2014, for throwing rocks and Molotov cocktails at the buildings of the Secretary of Communications and Transportation) that they have been just notified that they have been absolved in the federal process that condemned them to seven years six months of prison time. That would leave an appeal to the local process that has a sentence of two years four months. ”

We have just gotten confirmation from a comrade close to the case that this information is accurate.
