updates from Greece prisoners – en/es


Greece: Update on anarchist hunger striker Fivos Charisis

The comrade has been transferred in Tzanio hospital in Pireus. His health has severely deteriorated, as he has lost almost 13% of his body weight, he has various problems because of the strike and has a medical history of bronchial asthma.

Greece: Update on the comrade – hunger striker Theofilos Mavropoulos

Comrade – hunger striker Theofilos Mavropoulos (striker since 2/3 – member of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire) was transferred today to the hospital of Korydallos prison because of intense dizziness and pains in the belly and kidneys.

He is currently located in the the State General Hospital of Nikea.

Victory to the hunger strikers, immediate satisfaction of their demands.

Not a step back


Atenas: El huelguista de hambre Theofilos Mavropoulos trasladado al hospital (19/3)

El 19 de marzo del 2015 el miembro preso de la Conspiración de Células del Fuego Theofilos Mavropoulos fue trasladado desde las prisiones de Koridallos al hospital Geniko Kratiko de Nikaia. Según lxs médicos que lo examinaron, el compa había perdido 9 % de su peso corporal al inicio de la huelga (2 de marzo), además de presentar intensa palidez, debilidad y cansancio, incluso al mínimo esfuerzo de caminar unos metros, hipotensión ortostática, arritmia e inestabilidad hemodinámica.



Greece: Update on comrade Giorgos Polydoros

Comrade – hunger striker George Polydoros was transferred to a hospital outside prison. The comrade had undergone blood tests and doctors felt that the test should be repeated, because of some of the measurements which were not clear if there was something disturbing or not. So, while at first the comrade was moved to “Saint Paul” prison hospital, the fact that there is no equipment for conducting blood tests there, resulted in him being transferred to a hospital outside prison.

Victory to the hunger strike of our comrades, immediate satisfaction of their demands.

If something happens a hunger striker, nothing will be left unanswered.

People in solidarity with the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire


Translated by Inter Arma
