Hunger strikes spread to 8 detention centres


As of yesterday (Sunday 15 March) we had heard of hunger strikes and other protests taking place in 8 detention centres across the UK, as prisoners started refusing food in Dungavel (Scotland, near Glasgow) and Dover. There is now rebellion in the majority of the UK’s migration prisons.

The other six known to be protesting are Yarl’s Wood (Bedfordshire), Harmondsworth and Colnbrook (Heathrow airport), Tinsley House and Brook House (near Gatwick Airport). (See previous report here.)
Continue reading Hunger strikes spread to 8 detention centres

Ultima hora: Represión en el módulo 3 H norte donde estan los copas Hans Niemeyer y Rene Sanhueza


Nuevamente violenta represión en el módulo 3 H Norte, donde viven los compañeros Hans Niemeyer Salinas y Rene Sanhueza Molina.

Aproximadamente a las 12.30 hrs. Una discusión entre presos provocó el ingreso de gendarmería y el castigo de los involucrados. Minutos después y sin ninguna provocación arremetió un gran contingente de gendarmes proponando una brutal paliza, empujones, insultos y un allanamiento, todo ello liderado por el alcaide Rodrigo Gonzalez.

Hay 7 castigados obligados a permanecer 24 horas en celdas de aislamiento supuestamente eliminadas y varios contusos y heridos.

Informacion en desarrollo. Solidaridad y difusión!!

Zaragoza: Direcciones de los presos antifascistas Richi y Juan Diego


Direcciones de los 2 antifascistas que fueron arrestados la noche del sábado, 28 de febrero, acusados de participar en el ataque a una ratonera neonazi en Zaragoza, llamada “Hogar Social”. Ambos han sido clasificados como presos FIES, así que las autoridades pueden intervenir sus comunicaciones, tanto orales, como escritas.

Ricardo Garcia Madorrani
Autovía A-23 km 328, C.P Zuera, Zaragoza
Módulo 10

Juan Diego Villalobos Lugo
Autovía A-23 km 328, C.P Zuera, Zaragoza
Módulo 2


Join International Solidarity Campaign For Alexander Kolchenko


Alexander Kolchenko is a Crimean anarchist, social activist and antifascist who is held in captivity by the Russian authorities. Along with other Crimean activists, he has been kidnapped by the Russian FSB (ex-KGB) and is now detained as a political hostage in Lefortovo jail in Moscow. He is charged with committing “acts of terrorism” and “belonging to a terrorist community”.

Why Alexander Kolchenko is in the jail?
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Anarchist prisoner Michael Kimble on solidarity hunger strike


Due to my inability to take part in the shutdown (work strike) that was called for by the Free Alabama Movement here in Alabama and subsequently put in effect at the St. Clair Maximum security prison on March 1, 2015 – I am in solitary confinement and have to work assignment to shut down from – I can only express my solidarity and contempt for this greedy and rotten slave system with the way of a hunger strike and not words alone. I ask that other rebels in similar situations as I’m in do that same. Being on hunger strike will hopefully further the cause of bringing pain and disorder to the capitalist slave plantations in Alabama euphemistically named the Department of Corrections. What a joke!
Freedom or death!
Ain’t nothing else!
Viva Anarchy!
Continue reading Anarchist prisoner Michael Kimble on solidarity hunger strike

L’Incendiario – opuscolo pistoiese d’anarchismo e cultura, nuovo numero scaricabile


Eccoci, dopo quasi due anni torniamo con un nuovo numero de l’Incendiario – Opuscolo pistoiese d’Anarchismo e cultura. Come sempre, oltre alla versione digitale, anche la versione cartacea; chi fosse interessato a ricevere una o più copie può scrivere al nostro indirizzo mail: anarchicipistoiesi (chiocciola) Sotto l’indice potete trovare il link dal quale scaricare. Buona lettura.
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Dal bollettino n. 2 per Clement: Quando i media fanno degli scoop… e dimenticano il loro dovere di obiettività



Quasi otto mesi dopo la morte di Clement Meric, i media si lanciano di nuovo su un caso che considerano un fatto di cronaca, giusto per vendere copie.
Continue reading Dal bollettino n. 2 per Clement: Quando i media fanno degli scoop… e dimenticano il loro dovere di obiettività