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Today, a rabble of around 150 people tore down sections of the 8ft-tall spiked fence surrounding the Aylesbury occupation and other blocks of flats on the West of the estate.
Continue reading London: £140,000 Aylesbury fence torn down
“Claramente no tenia la intención de mostrarme doblegado, me vi superado en fuerzas y números, me esposan con dos grilletes fuertemente apretados, uno de estos me golpea los tobillos, exigiendo que me arrodillara, los insulto, dejandoles en claro k no lo haría…”
– Juan Alexis Flores Riquelme –
Continue reading Afiche solidario con Juan y Nataly
Balas contra piedras.
Luego de la muerte de Eduardo y Rafael, la fecha comenzó a ser conmemorada por la familia y organizaciones sociales y políticas. De manera natural, sirvió de excusa para homenajear a los jóvenes militantes de organizaciones combativas o a quienes caían enfrentando al poder del Tirano. Cabe señalar además que fueron los jóvenes los que llevaron el peso de la lucha contra Pinochet desde que comenzaron las protestas masivas contra la dictadura, en 1983. Ese ingrediente generacional no puede ser obviado.
Continue reading Prisiones chilenas: Escrito de Hans Niemeyer a 30 años del Día de lxs Jovenes Combatientes
Today, April 6th 2015, the mother of two members of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire – comrades Christos and Gerasimos Tsakalos – walked out of Koridallos prison. Her bail has been set at 10,000 euros.
Continue reading Athens: Athena Tsakalou finally out of prison
Compañeros, compañeras:
Hacemos llegar un abrazo fraterno, solidario y combativo a quienes resisten desde diversas trincheras generacionales, culturales y sociales. Hemos acá convocados y presentes en este merecido, necesario, histórico y sentido homenaje.
Continue reading Prisiones chilenas: Carta de René Sanhueza, Alejandro Astorga y Juan Tapia a 30 años del Día del Joven Combatiente
Last night I saw the moon and a star. It was the first time in a long-time. It made me think of all my friends, old and new,and wonder what they were doing under its glow. I feel so lucky to be part of a wide network of people. Anything seems possible when you know you have support. But whilst these thoughts make prison bearable, I will never forget the violence of the system.
Continue reading Letter from Prisoner Emma Sheppard, March 2015 – Prisons do not work for anyone – except those who profit from them.
We receive and transmit.
A crack was formed in the prison wall during the eviction eve demo on 2nd April for Chiltern House, a building that has been occupied by squatters in solidarity with residents in the near abandoned Aylesbury estate, which is earmarked for demolition by Southwark council.
Continue reading London: Claim for attack on cop van
(Frankfurt – March 18th 2015)
March 30th 2015
Last week, we toasted two ticket distributors of Deutsche Bahn in the Stuttgart region.
Continue reading Stuttgart, Germany: Incendiary sabotage against Deutsche Bahn – en/fr