Squat Makamik


What is Makamik?

The Makamik house was squatted in 2013, and later got symbolic rent contract with the owner. The space is managed by voluntary, equal basis. Decisions are made using concensus method in open house meetings, where any one can participate. The space doesn’t have stedy collective running it, taking care of house is in every users responsibilities. There are house principals, in which limits any one can organize happenings and use the space. Any kind of discrimination is not accepted in Makamik. That means no rasicm, sexism or other kind of oppressing behavior. Also party politics are not welcome.

Activities in Makamik don’t seek profit for itself or any persons own good. All the profit is used for running the house or for grassroot level political campaigns, which are decided together.

Adress: Jyrängöntie 1, Kumpula, Helsinki.
The house is located towards east from Botanic Garden, to the direction of Arabia, in the hill of Kumpula University campus. There’s picture in finnish page.

E-mail: makamik@riseup.net

About principals:

-The decisions are made using concensus method, not by voting, which would be tyranny of majority.
-Nobody has permanent special status, which would rule over others
-Creating safe atmosphere for everyone is important, oppressing behavior can’t be ignored
-The principals and practises are made by people who participate in the space
-Makamik is sober space. That means alcohol or other substancies for “party purposes” are not welcome in the space or in premises.
-Party politics are not welcome, because of unequal sturctures of them.

Squat Makamik


Punkkia Makamikilla: Ahna (can), Stereotypia & Rust 24.5.


Makamikin musikaalinen toukokuu jatkuu! Punkkia 24.5. klo 19 alkaen.




Ei ikärajaa, ei päihteitä. Soitot alkavat klo 19. Ei sisäänpääsymaksua, kolehti bändeille.

24th May 7pm. Free entrance for all ages, no drugs&alcohol, voluntary donations for the bands.

Punkkia Makamikilla: Ahna (can), Stereotypia & Rust 24.5.