Stockholm (Sweden): opening of a new squat, Högdalens new Folkets hus (en/fr)


We are a group who on Saturday 23rd May re-opened the old school building on Rangstaplan 22 in Högdalen Centrum. We did this because of the plans to demolish the building soon. The decision to do so was taken over the head of the local people. A former public space has without the local communitys’ consent been sold cheaply to a private developer who’s planning on building expensive private housing on the land. Protests and alternative suggestions, like using the building as an elderly home or community center, were ignored by the local politicians and decision makers.

We have now taken matters into our own hands and in order to protect this public space by opening it up again and refilling it with life and activities. We would like to welcome all who are interested in joining us in creating this space – Högdalens new Folkets hus – a house for everybody!

So far we’ve arranged free concerts, shows, kids activities, yoga and Qigong, opened Högdalens Museum of Resistance and many other things, everything money free and non profit!

Do you have things you would like to do in the house? Get in touch and we’ll make it happen together!
Do you want to know more?

Come see us, visit (…).

All the best!



Stockholm (Suède): expulsion de la Högdalens Folkets hus


Dans la matinée du mercredi 17 juin 2015, la police est arrivée sur les coups de 9h pour expulser le squat de la Högdalens Folkets hus, ouvert le 23 mai dernier à Stockholm.

Vers 17h45, l’expulsion n’était toujours pas terminée, puisque des occupant-e-s se trouvaient encore sur le toit du squat, avec l’intention d’y rester…

Mais peu après, la Högdalens Folkets hus a finalement été complètement expulsée, sans grands remous.

Un rassemblement de solidarité et de protestation est organisé ce jeudi matin (18 juin), à 9h, sur Högdalsplan, non loin du squat expulsé.


